Agreed but I think we can all agree that while cults are troubling and shouldn’t exist, death cults are even more so. The type of “Christianity” he subscribes to is very much a death cult.
This is going to be someone’s superhero origin story
After looking into this more with the team, I just want to confirm that no change will be made to Game Pass availability in 2024.
So it’s going away in 2025 now?
It would still be concerning if these nut jobs actually followed all the Bible’s “teachings” like they espouse to but instead they believe that they get to decide what parts of the Bible should be taken literally, what parts need “modern” interpretation and what parts are ignored or hidden.
This makes them even more dangerous because it gives them the power to decide who is abiding by their god’s law and who is in violation of it.
I doubt his attorneys care all that much; the only attorneys still taking Trump on as a client are either those that have drunk the crazy Kool-Aid or those that want to be a talking head on one of MAGA networks…or both.
So crazy that he had the nickname “the impaler” for 30+ years before he actually impaled anyone. Wild
Says 40 year old man-child whose hands have never known a minute of manual labor.
No matter which way I interpret this my reaction is still “Yikes!”
Hint: Overvalued bubbles surrounded by cult of personality types, who are more buzzword than substance, making bad business decisions compounded by a once-in-a-lifetime labor paradigm shift.
TLDR: bubble goes pop
I couldn’t possibly answer for my crimes during a school night. I mean who would make sure our nanny takes the children to school? My butler? Please; how gauche.
Get money out of politics and these problems go away (because they will be dealt with properly).
It’s also a very hostile work environment purposefully built to pit you against your coworkers.