Ich hab schon Raben gesehen, die ganze Tauben zerfetzt und verspeist haben. Würde mich nicht wundern wenn die das auch mit Spatzen machen.
Altough they are kinda counterintuitive as the names typically describe the phenotype when the gene knocked out
If it's an executeable with dependencies in the archive it might not run without being unpacked.
You are the reason we can't have nice things.
I could see this be a way to show how the towels look like when neatly stacked. And to show what belongs into that shelf if it were empty.
Keine Ahnung was im Glysantin G30 drinnen ist. Worauf ich achten würde ist, dass es das Material nicht angreift (Kunststoff etc.).
Do they still advertise 2 day shipping? They stopped that around here already a few years ago.
Yes, their service has gotten way worse over the last few years. But there's also no obligation for you to stay subscribed to prime.
That reminds me of an ex-roommate who, at some point, stopped drinking water altogether and only drank Coke or Ice Tea. At the same time he'd base most of his diet on McDonalds and went to the gym every other day. He would also only drive to the gym although it was like 5 minutes by foot. Apart from that he also brushed his teeth like once a week tops. I wonder what's become of him.
Look at the sensitive ones, often the cheaper ones don't have SLS in them. They're better but with some I still get issues if I don't rinse at all. For reference, Aldi sells one around here without SLS and with fluoride.
is there a dataisugly community on lemmy?
Huh... I typically do 125-175g per person for a main depending on how hungry I am