Water for injections has super strict requirements for a reason.
In kdenlive, the following settings work well for me (you can transfer the options to ffmpeg cli as well if you prefer that):
f=matroska movflags=+faststart vcodec=libx264 tune=stillimage progressive=1 g=1000 bf=2 crf=%quality acodec=flac ar=48000
For reference, I get a 3.7 GB video with a duration of over 5 h @4k resolution. The audio itself is already 3.7 GB and it's just a still image. For CRF, set something around 23, that should do.
tbf, packed lemon juice doesn't stand a chance compared to fresh pressed.
There's a machine doing all the rolling out to specific thicknesses that's used in bakeries
Huh... I typically do 125-175g per person for a main depending on how hungry I am
Ich hab schon Raben gesehen, die ganze Tauben zerfetzt und verspeist haben. Würde mich nicht wundern wenn die das auch mit Spatzen machen.
Altough they are kinda counterintuitive as the names typically describe the phenotype when the gene knocked out
If it's an executeable with dependencies in the archive it might not run without being unpacked.
You are the reason we can't have nice things.
I could see this be a way to show how the towels look like when neatly stacked. And to show what belongs into that shelf if it were empty.
Keine Ahnung was im Glysantin G30 drinnen ist. Worauf ich achten würde ist, dass es das Material nicht angreift (Kunststoff etc.).
Pressed garlic has a much more intense flavor. For a stew or most cooked stuff I would squash and chop it, for sauces or garlic oil I prefer pressed.
It's also much faster as you don't have to peel it and if you wash the press right away it's just as fast as washing a knife.