
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I have not once seen anything of value in their "alternatives", they always show the weirdest shit that has nothing in common with the other. It's been in my Kagi block list from the very beginning, I don't miss those results one bit.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Great video on the defects of the "they go low, we go high" strategy, in case you've never seen it.


[–] [email protected] 63 points 1 month ago (16 children)

If you want to find solutions online, stop using Google.

Sometimes I post stuff to my blog about things that I could not find a satisfying solution to and where I had to figure one out myself. I post those things because I want it to be discoverable by the next person who is searching for it.

I did a quick test, and my posts don't show up anywhere on Google. I can find them via Kagi, DuckDuckGo, and even Bing. But Google doesn't show my stuff, even when hitting specific keywords that only my post talks about. And if my site even shows up, it is only about +6 months after I posted.

Even tried their search console thing, it doesn't report any issues with my site. So it must be the lack of ads, cookies, and AI generated content which makes Google suspicious of it.

So, If you are an engineer looking for solutions to your problems online, just stop using Google. It's become so utterly useless, it's ridiculous. Of course you will miss all the cool AI features and scam ads, but there's always some drawbacks.

Reposting my post from Mastodon yesterday, it felt relevant. https://infosec.exchange/@hertg/112989703628721677

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

There are some QoL perks when you watch downloaded youtube videos through a selfhosted media server (e.g. jellyfin). Video watch progress is saved, and you can watch on all your devices (desktop, mobile, tv).

Sometimes I'll watch something on my mobile while preparing food, and then I'll switch to the TV when I'm done cooking, mid-video. This works seamless with that set up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Or automate it with ytdl-sub, see my comment here.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

Genau, wenn sich das Wachstum vom Ressourcen Verbrauch entkoppeln liesse, nennt man das "absolute decoupling", sprich Wachstum steigt, aber Ressourcenverbrauch sinkt. Das ist aber ziemlich sicher unmöglich. Dann gibt es noch das "relative decoupling", was bedeutet dass der Ressourcenverbrauch weniger stark ansteigt als das Wirtschaftswachstum. Das bringt aber nichts, weil es im best-case die Klimakatastrophe nur verzögert.

Es gibt keine Hinweise darauf dass absolute decoupling möglich ist. Neoliberale oder "Grün(liberal)e" denken aber dass wir das irgendwie schaffen, und nennen es dann "Green Growth". Das ist aber bullshit. Aus deren Sicht lügen sie damit nicht, sie glauben den Scheiss wirklich. Und irgendwelche Tech-Bros versichern ihnen auch immer wieder dass wir das schaffen mit "AI" und "Innovation". Die Annahme basiert aber komplett auf Vibes und Hoffnung, und nicht auf Fakten.

Das traurigen an der ganzen Sache ist, dass du eigentlich keine Partei wählen kannst die das Problem im Kern angehen will, und versuchen will eine Wirtschaft zu schaffen die ohne unlimitiertes Wachstum auskommen kann. Das imperativ ist als gegeben akzeptiert. In der Schweiz sind z.B. die "Jungen Grünen" die einzigen, welche das Thema Teil ihres Programms macht. Bei den letzten Wahlen erreichten sie 0 Sitze im Nationalrat.

[–] [email protected] 50 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Unsere Wirtschaft baut auf dem Wachstumsimperativ auf. Ohne dieses funktioniert die Kapitalakkumulation bei den Milliardären nicht mehr so gut. Auch unsere Pensionskassen sind darauf ausgelegt dass die Wirtschaft ständig wächst. Das ist genau so dumm wie du denkst. Ich kann "Less is more" von Jason Hickel empfehlen. Gute, leicht verdaubare Lektüre zu dem Thema. Und hilft dir dabei die FDP noch mehr zu hassen als du wahrscheinlich schon tust :)

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

Unprompted pro tip: I started running ytdl-sub on my server, added the channels I'm interested in, and now I watch youtube on my personal mediaserver and dont even open the youtube page/app anymore. Because I already know this shit is only gonna get more annoying as time moves on, and especially after the silicon valley growth imperative collapses in on itself. Let's hope we'll have ytdl working for long enough.

You can even configure it to download videos a few days later, after sponsorblock info has been submitted, then it also cuts that out. And you can set it to only keep the last {n} videos if you just intend to watch recent stuff and not keep an archive. It even works for non-youtube. I added Neo Magazine Royale from ZDF Mediathek, and it just worked (shout out to the germans who know what that is)

Cons: I don't get yt recommendations Pros: I don't get yt recommendations

But I still find good new stuff via other feeds, so 🤷‍♂️

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Most email providers will automatically put emails coming from .xyz to spam. I'd advise against using any "new TLDs", if you can. But if you must, avoid those that are frequently used for spamming. A lot of spam detectors will already score your emails as suspicious just for the TLD.

See for example, https://github.com/apache/spamassassin/blob/trunk/rulesrc/sandbox/pds/20_ntld.cf

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

And there is htmlq too, if you ever need to scrape some stuff from a website :)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Here's a good post, that argues the dunning-kruger effect is not real. I guess I am one of those annoying "well actually, ..." types now.


[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 months ago (1 children)

This reminds of a stupid filesystem pet idea I had a while ago. Running as a daemon, it walks through your filesystem and sometimes leaves traces (as files), maybe you'll find it sleeping in your downloads folder every now and then. I thought it was a cute idea, but didnt actually think about implementing it, for obvious reasons, it could go so horribly wrong 😂

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