If you have been vaccinated, then the current strains are about as deadly as the flu. We still need to keep ready for new strains and for sudden surges that can quickly overwhelm a single location's health care capacity. This is true of influenza as well, a new strain hitting a small contained community can cause issues.
Projects will either be done next month or take at least a year to complete. Also, if you ask my team to calculate how long a project will take, and then ignore the estimate, the project will take infinite time because you are an insufferable moron.
Having opened a Discord Server for a company in the past, $200k is about right for something of this size. KQED has the most-tech savvy listener population of a US radio station (the local NPR for SanFran and surrounding area)
Paying people to moderate it real-time will probably be most of the cost.
Judge had been sent to home arrest as part of COVID efforts to depopulate the prisons of non -violent offenders.
Biden gave a blanket paradon to many who had been on home arrest without incident since.
I suspect there's plenty of awful bastards in the mix who are only known by their local communities for their deeds. This judge isn't well known outside PA and very few recognize the guys name on sight.
No, there is a push to ignore learning problems entirely unless they are bad enough to qualify for a diagnoses that merits additional funding. If you don't pass the threshold for a qualifying diagnosis, they would rather not provide services at all.
Conventionally attractive girls have their scholarly struggles ignored because it is assumed they are pretty enough to get along. They are generally treated well enough that they don't become a behavioral problem. They are out there, suffering their poor reading and math skills in silence because there's no push to identify them.
While bulk pricing is legal, distributors are legally mandated to provide the same pricing models to all qualified customers. However, the US hasn't enforced these laws in a long time. Theoretically Walmart and Mom and Pop's Grocery should be able to place the same size order for the same price but many big box stores started bullying the distributors for special secret pricing and then forbade them from offering those prices to anyone else.
If it is the standard of care for pets and other animals who cannot communicate their needs to us directly, shouldn't it also be the standard of care for people, who can communicate their desires and needs.
Someone got told their topic wasn't original enough and took that as a challenge.
You mean like the residential mental hospital system in the US used to do before Regan destroyed it?
It had problems, like any institution, but overall it was providing EXACTLY what you are suggesting.
That's gonna suck for everywhere except California and New York. Go look at a map of Federal spending and you'll discover that the Red states need the rest of the county to prop them up.