
joined 11 months ago
[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 13 points 22 hours ago

It's an article in the Huffpost bro, the author isn't here.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 163 points 1 day ago (9 children)

The interview is a vibe check first and foremost. If you vibe with the team we will overlook other things in your application. If you made it to interview, we already think you're good enough so don't stress trying to impress or apologize.

Managers are mostly people who get tired of watching other people do things badly and decide to try to do better. You don't need a special degree or any magic to be a good manager, you should like people though.

Everyone is faking it to some degree.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 16 points 1 day ago

Missed 2 days of my anxiety meds this weekend, which caused me to panic and try to go to the pharmacy too early on Saturday to pick them up and forget to take my morning ADHD meds.

I was a complete freaking out mess all day Saturday and half of Sunday. I'd forgotten how bad the two are when stacked up like that. And I used to feel that way around 1/3 of the time, I estimated 1-2 days a week I had some sort of panic attack before treatment.

Take your meds, my friends. They are important!

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 16 points 1 week ago

DO are real doctors. Rarer than MDs because there are less schools but totally real docs. My Mom with 30 years nursing experience says their training is basically identical, but DOs are generally nicer.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 8 points 1 week ago

It's a sales website for my labor. Free advertising for me as the provider. I look for work and have resumes in other markets as well but why skip something so basic? And with the exception of the verification nonsense with my ID, everything told them isn't just factual information, it's stuff I want known, the opposite private information.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 17 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Told my teacher I preferred "the movies in my head" and earned myself a EEG to check for epilepsy as a 10 year old. No always explain my vivid imagination.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 14 points 1 week ago

Second from the right, next to the viewing platform.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The Sequel to 101 Damnations is called the Twilight Barking and it's weird as hell.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 23 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

For reference, they still sell these too: Full Sheets

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 15 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Bullshit, we have lots of empty houses now because they are owned by corporations to pad out their balance sheets.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 12 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

My 2017 Chevy Bolt is fully electric and has less fancy integrations than most cars sold today. It's got Bluetooth and aux audio in but you have to connect a phone with a cable for Car Play or Android Auto, it's got normal buttons and switches for all the car stuff too. It had a remote start until I ran out of free On Star months.

[–] hedgehogging_the_bed 32 points 1 month ago (15 children)

The casual implication here that a round of ammo in your luggage doesn't imply you are an unsafe gun owner is insane. Lost rounds don't just happen, they are a sign that the person didn't account for all their ammo and secure it properly. There's no reason to give these people a pass.


I'm reading Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD by Susan Pinksky and it is full of helpful advice and useful tips. But I don't like to hear the truth sometimes.

The actual quote from the book is "If you are purchasing items for a project, pause to put the date you will DO the project on your calendar (preferably within the week). If the project doesn't get done, reschedule it so those supplies stay on your radar.... We should only buy items for which we have an imminent plan or need."

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