You just described my reading habits pretty precisely....quick, give me a new series to read that fits those descriptions
I was when I found out too
Fun fact, actually the drummer of SOAD is a Trump supporter. Serj has said he's mystified about it. You're right about the other three members though.
"Far left" here, we generally understand the need to vote blue no matter who in this election. It's pretty obvious.
Sure, if you want to phrase it that way. Just slightly different motivation.
The point is to get us talking about it. I'd say they succeeded.
Even if this were true (which it isn't), the penalty for bigotry isn't indiscriminately killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians.
It must be something more substantial in this case, tearing the windshield wiper off wouldn't brick the truck
Not defending Tesla, but that wasn't a cybertruck
Because the short notice sick days weren't in the agreement that some of the unions ratified. That was on top of the agreement that he imposed on them, which some of them had already ratified as written. I'm not happy that he did that, I think they should've been allowed to go on strike anyways and get all that they could from management, but at least he didn't just force it on them and then leave it at that.
Connections Puzzle #588