I swear that's the first time I have heard them referred to as Ernie and Bert and not Bert n ernie
joined 2 years ago
You know they dont
We all thought this in 2016 too
Glassdoor says average pay is $14.90/hr. I don't know if it is trustworthy or not.
Well her voters are telling people to vote for her no matter what too so it goes both ways. If Walz wasn't her running mate I wouldn't be voting for her.
That's not being pedantic. If it wasn't shatterproof it would have shattered.
Sheriff is above the law
The correct word is shit
So basically like the whole hanging chads thing all over again?
I forgot about that.
Why does there need to be a rush to have them certified? We don't have to know the winner on election Day. I'd rather it be correct and accurate than instant. How can you be against accuracy? Edit: it used to take weeks to find out what each state voted.
The drawback is 90 mile city and 71 mile dirt range.