So about that government shutdown...
About 90 million people listened to everyone and their (non-conservative) mother say how this might be the most important election
We get told this every election, but then democrats cooperate with republicans every step of the way. Most recently, democrats had an opportunity to force a government shutdown and use that as leverage against the republicans, but instead they instantly folded like they always do. I recognized this pattern when Obama promised hope and change but then mostly continued Bush's policies when he got elected (e.g. corporate bail-outs, deportations, and warmongering). Democrats follow republicans as they journey further and further to the right.
It's certainly a cause for concern, I'm just labeling it as a conspiracy theory because how the system would work in practice is still in the air and there's been theorizing on what they could do, but what they could do is not necessarily what they will do. You're right though, the potential amount of control they could exercise over the monetary system with this setup is terrifying. For example, I've heard of the idea floating around of having money that sits in an account for a certain amount of time expiring to force increased spending. Inflation is supposed to encourage the same behavior, but this is much more blatant and leaves no room for speculation.
There are conspiracy theories about the federal reserve issuing their own digital currency, but having a neutral payment system would be extremely useful. Also, payment processors should pass these credit card fees onto the customer and show it on the receipt to drive up demand for lower fee cards, otherwise we're all just subsidizing high fee cards.
Isn't this the second time they've had to recall nearly every single cybertruck (which couldn't be fixed with an over-the-air update)? The first was for an issue with the accelerator pedal getting stuck, from what I remember. Is it just tesla/musk fanatics buying these up? I can't imagine anyone else finding this vehicle appealing, from the terrible aesthetics to the severe design issues and all for a high price. I assume tesla fanatics are the only reason the stock price hasn't cratered either, but maybe reality will catch up someday.
"return the hostages and kick out Hamas, and new options will open for you--including relocation to other parts of the world for those who choose. The alternative is destruction and total devastation."
So the choice is either ethnic cleansing with some genocide or ethnic cleansing with total genocide. This is completely unacceptable, yet there are those who argue that we must accept it and merely choose "the lesser of two evils" with the reason being that it could be worse. However, this only emboldens the evil and they will continue driving to make things worse and worse anyway.
We all know about biden and his worthless "red lines"
We should do an uno reverse and nationalize wells fargo.