
joined 2 years ago
[–] habitualTartare 11 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I think the algorithm is skewed when searching male vs dad. What happens to the search results when you search for "dad advice having a baby"?

[–] habitualTartare 64 points 11 months ago (7 children)

The origin of the quote is not Goebbels.

Someone else has traced the quotation to a novel by Upton Sinclair in The Profits of Religion (do a books.google.com search for the phrase and you will find it.

In short, it is highly unlikely that Goebbels said this. As is usually the case with such quotations, no one who cites it provides a source.

Randall Bytwerk, expert in Nazi propaganda (Prof. Randall Bytwerk)


[–] habitualTartare 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Robocalls should be opt-in unless emergency broadcast. Examples for TTY or other systems typically via text/email for vision impaired.

[–] habitualTartare 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There's a website called privacy.com for US that lets you virtualized any debit card. I believe PayPal has the feature too.

[–] habitualTartare 29 points 1 year ago

Last I read IBM was one of the big companies pursuing R&D in quantum computers and such plus they have some software stuff like crimestat and the weather channel under their umbrella.

[–] habitualTartare 3 points 1 year ago

I keep everything behind a VPN so I don't have to worry much about opening things up to the Internet. It's not necessary about the fact that you're probably fine but more so what the risk to you is if that device is compromised, ex: a NAS with important documents, or the idea that if that device is infected, what can that device access.

You could expose your media server and not worry too much about that device but having it in a "demilitarized zone", ensuring all your firewall rules are correct and that that service is always updated is more difficult than just one VPN that is designed to be secure from the ground up.

[–] habitualTartare 9 points 1 year ago (10 children)

Have you checked and enabled hardware acceleration?

Support and troubleshooting steps are dependent on your GPU and OS.

[–] habitualTartare 72 points 1 year ago
[–] habitualTartare 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I really liked this video explaining some of the challenges with a consumer hydrogen powered vehicle: https://youtu.be/rtZQLUtckS4?si=OF2P2MWco-XSKGLy

I think hydrogen might have potential for trucks but for consumers, at least where EVs can work, I don't think there's a real advantage unless a major breakthrough changes things.

[–] habitualTartare 1 points 1 year ago

I steered away from replacing my router with a PC and got an ER-X and virtualized everything else including TrueNAS on an old office PC. Having PCI-E slots helps with stability a ton when virtualizing and my setup has 64gb DDR3 which was cheap.

Ubiquiti APs are typically the homeLab standard and work great especially with multiple APs. You can start with turning your existing router to AP mode and replace with APs later.

For stability, you can create a "test network" on the ER-X. This is an incredibly useful unofficial guide to setup ER-X with multiple lan networks, APs and more. Then create redundancy with docker containers on a Pi. (put DNS server on proxmox system and a second on the Pi so if one goes down, DNS works).

For your home assistant question, does the backups or copy/paste data folder not meet your needs?

[–] habitualTartare 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm happy with proxmox in a non-production environment/homeLab. Stable and straightforward.

Just found out from your comment that windows is shutting the door completely on CPUs that don't support POPCNT. There's config settings to install Windows 11 on legacy hardware (old CPU, tpm chips, etc) but who knows when they'll pull the plug on that.

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