The reddit mobile app has a different feed than RIF. You can't sort by hot or best. You can on the browser though.
I did that with metalgearsolid though in all honesty if those mods come over hear I'll just make them mods and let them handle it haha. I just wanted to get the ball rolling while the hype train for the remake is going on.
- I grew up with PS1 watching my dad play Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil.
- The MGS series is my favorite and I even created a community ( ) on here because I couldn't find one. I'm hoping there's a whole new group of gamers introduced to the series through the upcoming Snake Eater remake. There's no content in the community yet so please bring the hype train through
- I would suggest trying out The Jersey Devil on PS1. Not because it aged well at all, but because it will make you appreciate that us 90's gamers walked so you could run. PS1 games weren't bad but none of them had quite figured out 3D space yet without analogue sticks.
- I remember hearing my dad ask for the playstation at Toys r' Us and me thinking it was a jungle gym.
- Right now I'm obsessed with Tears of the Kingdom. Just got the last shrine.
Peel it down and go mm mm mmmm
I just had flashbacks to watching the video for Banana Man like 15 years ago. Such a catchy song.
I made one for metalgearsolid just in time for the remake to come out