Exactly! Perez is probably done as a RBR driver, but shit like this is hardly going to help matters.
That's very much the old school macho mindset that was prevalent in F1 when Brundle was driving.
I don't think many of the current drivers buy into that.
I can't imagine anything more likely to encourage a driver than being publicly bad-mouthed by Marko.
I mean, it's never failed to work before has it?
Norris would be a significant upgrade but he's not currently available and I can't see McLaren letting him go without a fight.
Never was a great fan of Murray Walker TBH. The combo of Murray and James Hunt was classic though. Murray would spout a load of bollocks and James, sounding half-pissed (which he probably was), would put him right.
They're half a second behind one of the Red Bulls. The other one seems to have given up. If McLaren can regularly put two drivers on the podium then RBR have a problem next year.
Yes, the architectural detail is amazing.
Well it is a cart horse with a bloody great spike on top of its head. What is more surprising is that anyone ever thought of unicorns as being cute.
Yes, I mostly buy from Qobuz and Bandcamp these days, and they've been solid so far. But I don't trust keeping my files in the cloud (aka some else's server), I buy DRM-free, keep copies locally, and keep them backed up.
Well, If you asked me what my favourite Waits album was I'd probably say Swordfishtrombones or Rain Dogs. But somehow, late at night when a few whiskies have been drunk, it seems to be the '70s albums that end up on the turntable.