Not only construction, but also maintenance costs. I imagine they are harder to access, if needed, and salt water is hostile to any structure
I think it boils down to "No opinion" not meaning "no consequences" or "no responsibility".
AMD's situation has massively shifted during that period, but it does add some perspective. In 2016 they'd have probably loved to have more employees, but couldn't afford them unlike now. And in recent times the Xilin aquisition added a bunch of employees, with some possibly redundant?
Overall i probably believe AMD's comment:
AMD argues its cutbacks aren't a sign it's struggling financially. Instead, it's more about refocusing its resources towards higher-margin products
I assume lesser profitable margine products are e.g. dedicated consumer GPUs?
Do we know how many people AMD hired in recent years? Because often with news like that it is just companies cutting back a bit after having undergone an even larger expansion not too long ago
Chaffing truly is the worst, hope the new ones work well.
Absolut. Ich sehe tatsächlich das gesamte Format "Kommentar", zumindest wie es die Tagesschau verwendet, sehr kritisch.
Das ist gefühlt ein Freifahrtschein auch das letzte bisschen journalistische Arbeit und Faktencheck über Bord zu werfen, und oft einseitig einer beliebigen Person (es gibt keinerlei Information zu Ideologie/Interessenskonflikten etc) eine Platform für ihre Meinung zu schenken.
Ich war schon nah dran zu dem Kommentar hier einen Post zu machen, gut zu wissen, dass ich nicht alleine darin war mich darüber aufzuregen.
Franchises and ensemble casts really skew those results. So in the end it basically just comes down to "who was part of one or more large franchises" (primarily marvel), which to me is not that interesting.
For me it would be much more interesting which actors brought the most "value" to a variety of unconnected movies, which would probably boost someone like Leonardo DiCaprio much higher, and in return throw out a bunch of actors from the MCU. For example Don Cheadle, who is on the list because he replaced Terrence Howard as War Machine. Which might have been the right call and an improvement, but imo don't do the recast and you could swap those names on the list, because i don't think he majorly shifted the franchise (unlike somone such as RDJ). Recast Leo and who knows how his movies would have performed with someone else in the lead.
Not sure how an alternative ranking should work, but maybe take either the first/average/highest grossing movie of a movie series instead of adding all up.
I envy you, I definitely tend towards feeling too cold. But at the same time as you said after a few miles it gets warmer, so getting the balance right isn't always easy. But at least where i am at it doesn't get -20°C. Keeping my ears/fingers warm is definitely one of the important things.
Ears is always a bit harder, because the band of my shokz headphones can make things a bit akward, since just putting on a hat above them imo isn't as comfortable since it puts some pressure on them. The solution that worked so far is that i got a headband, where i cut small holes behind the ears to route the headphone band through.
Thanks for adding another source with some more context
The issue is that as someone already mentioned i doubt something like that was ever truly on the table.
I think you can't give assurances like that in a vacuum. If a nation e.g. the US would grant them, they'd only do so while simultaniously building up a physical presence in the territory and possibly also do deeper integrations military wise. You wouldn't give such strong assurances while weakening your own ability to act on them.
For Russia that would have never been acceptable.