
joined 2 years ago
[–] goetzit 55 points 1 year ago (8 children)

It is, look at the hand, the seal of the bags, the tags on the shelf in the background. All of them are exactly the same in each photo

[–] goetzit 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not dragging you but we get frustrated because we already know. I know both political parties are shit, but one is vastly shittier than the other, and my options are pretty fucking limited. What do you want me to do, revolutionize our political system on my own?

[–] goetzit 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Everyone with a dissenting viewpoint from your own is not some secret right-wing troll smuggling in the “wrong” viewpoints. You are not helping anyone with this mindset.

I live in a pretty red area. I talk to a lot of people who have a lot of these right wing beliefs. Im not going to pretend these aren’t dogshit takes, they fucking suck. But like this guy is trying to tell you, these views and talking points are very prevalent. We can’t treat these people like right-wing sleeper cell trolls that just want to attack us, they are people who have been misled.

I’ll give you an example. I was talking to someone who was a little upset we were sending billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine. Is this a shit take? Yeah it is, but he didn’t have it because hes some russian fascist who wants to see putin recreate the USSR, he’s just living in the COL crisis like everyone else. When I pointed out it was a shit move to let ukraine burn and made him think about it, he changed his mind. Theres other shit we spend way more money on, like our military, and we should defend a country that is being annexed by another world power.

He’s not a bad dude. He just hadn’t stopped to think about it. If i had just attacked him for it he would have just doubled down, because im being an asshole, and why would he adopt the assholes position? Thats how most people are. It sucks but it takes a lot of energy to really sift through all the bullshit, and surviving in todays world is stressful enough as it is for people. Its hard to look at the bigger picture when your smaller, immediate one is so turbulent.

[–] goetzit 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

This guy is clearly not deflecting he is genuinely questioning things he’s not sure on. He’s actively saying he’s not very informed and maybe he is wrong but he’s not sure.

Your points are correct but your comments come off like you are being attacked. Just relax man. Its not deflection, he’s asking questions about things he has heard and is unsure on. He is right, republicans are better at messaging and thats why he has heard this shit before.

[–] goetzit 1 points 1 year ago

Definitely including dupes, I got rid of tons of dupes from events but the spawn pool was so limited you were bound go get more. I was dedicated enough to grind out wild shinies, but if it was locked behind incubators or raids, forget about it.

[–] goetzit 16 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Its a collectors game with nothing good to collect. This might seem like a silly take, and with 813 pokemon now in the game, it should be. But the way pokemon are laid out in this game is just horrendous.

In the main series games, you LOOK for pokemon. You might just wander around the grass for a while and take what you get, but at some point, you have a shopping list. In order to find specific pokemon, you go to a specific location. You find the pokemon you are looking for, often with others similar in type.

Well, in pokemon go, this isn’t the case at all. There are maybe 20-40 pokemon in the spawn pool at any given time. Go somewhere, ANYWHERE around you, and you are going to see more of the same. Once you have them, you wait for the next spawn rotation (sometimes thats 1 month, sometimes its 8) or events. The events are somewhere between 3 hours and 1 week long, and then you might actually have some cool shit, and the game is exciting for a bit. But after that, its back to the same old bullshit.

Now the game is just about collecting shinies. This is really what niantic has tried to monetize. The (often only) way to get them is to either hatch eggs (buying incubators) or doing raids (buying raid passes). The other way to get them is by doing certain events where they hand them out like candy. I stopped a couple years ago when i had well over 300 shinies, because there just wasn’t a point anymore. The whole “cool collectible” factor came from them being rare, if everyone gets them in events, why is it special?

[–] goetzit 1 points 1 year ago

Surely people have already tried the “joining a political party with good intentions” approach. Being a politician means responding to the publics ever changing concerns. You can’t always focus on whats important because thats not necessarily what the public wants, whether its good for them or not

[–] goetzit 5 points 1 year ago

I just hope the game is as serious and dark as it seems. I’m not into the comics but TMNT in media has always been such an upbeat franchise, I think a dark, gritty tone could be an incredible contrast.

[–] goetzit 6 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I really hope this ends up as good as it sounds.

[–] goetzit 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I relate to this feeling a lot. I’m not much further ahead of you but i am at a point where i have a solid career ahead.

I bounced around a lot too as far as interests go, and I still do. I would say go for what sticks out the most and makes the most practical sense. For me, that was CS, i had started picking it up in high school with some classes, but then there would be long stretches where i never write one line of code.

In my opinion: work is shit. There are shitty jobs, and less shitty jobs, but if work isn’t shit, it doesn’t pay (why pay someone to do something you can do yourself?). What you need at this point is discipline. There were plenty of times i wanted to give up on college or CS in general but I recognized that I would only make life shittier by doing so.

A lot of people will tell you that you should find something you like doing. This is terrible advice, tons of people go into fields they love that don’t have a lot of job prospects and assume they will be the exception. Find something you don’t mind doing, but will bring you success. Don’t think of it as a lifelong commitment. With money comes freedom. You can always change careers down the line if you truly hate every position you get.

[–] goetzit 1 points 1 year ago

From the article, because it explained it much better than i was going to:

The date, calculated by Global Footprint Network each year using National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts data, marks the point when humanity’s demand for biological resources exceeds the Earth’s capacity to regenerate them within that year.

So basically, lets say 1000 tons of coal is formed every year (this is not a real number, its a hilariously high overestimate), “Earth Overshoot Day” marks the day we actually use up that years resources. So if that day is Aug. 2nd, that means we already used the 1000 tons that would have formed that year, on that day.

[–] goetzit 2 points 1 year ago

This is probably part of it. Wasn’t the first one like $30 on release anyway? Ill gladly pay another $30 for updated graphics, refined mechanics, new characters and a story.

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