Well, they say it's not the jength, it's the jearth.
I can't read the letter on the block, so I don't know if the one on the right is an alligator or crocodile.
Does this count as enshittification?
I have a feeling this is more like throwing soup at the protective cover of the Mona Lisa: nothing changes but it gets attention.
But what about all the Good Guys that show up in U-Hauls?
Hmm, miniseries could work. I stopped reading the book because it felt like a screenplay. (And the movie is unrelated garbage.)
With the size of that microphone, are you sure it's not Kevin Hart?
This userscript worked for me (in the last 24hrs): https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/23605-reddit-history-sanitizer
Waiting for my checks from trickle-down economics to roll in.
Many a fast loris has been mistaken for a drop bear. Understandable, given the limited amount of time to judge such things before the inevitable end.
That was the best era of Black Flag, with him at the mic.