
joined 1 year ago

This seems like it might be unintended behaviour: I have a couple of active Pacts whose deficit has not been fully repaid. I have just purchased the "Siphoning" policy.

Expected consequences of selecting "Siphoning": (1) alicorns start being consumed, (2) necrocorns stop being consumed.

Actual consequences: (1) alicorns start being consumed (I assume), (2) necrocorns stop being consumed (I assume), BUT ALSO (3) necrocorn deficit stops reducing.

Since the necrocorn deficit makes my Pacts less effective and wouldn't have taken all that long to repay, the net effect of taking the Siphoning policy is to make things significantly worse, in a way it seems hard to believe it's meant to.

If this is intended, then it ought to be mentioned in the description of the Siphoning policy. My guess is that it isn't intended. It's hard to be sure from looking at the code -- the necrocorn-related code is pretty convoluted and not commented much so it's not obvious what its intent is.

(Possibly related: https://forum.kittensgame.com/post/950 "Siphoning policy not working?", which is the reason for the cautious "I assume"s above. Definitely not the same issue as I'm describing, though.)

"Local" wiki login? (forum.kittensgame.com)

Over on the wiki, if you try to sign in you get three options: "Google", "Discord", and "Local". The last of those wants an email address and password.

I try to minimize my use of federated logins, because I don't want to give the likes of Google any more information than I have to. But the "Local" option seems to assume that I already have email/password credentials and I don't see a "sign up" option.

Maybe it takes the same email/password as the forum? But when I signed up for the forum I didn't provide an email address, and if I try to add one now then the "Add" button displays a please-wait spinner that appears to just spin for ever. So I can't test that.

Is there a way to sign up to log in to the wiki without using Google or Discord?