About the only good stuff LW does is remind me of other, much better SF. In this case Ian McDonald's Necroville (Terminal Café in the US), about a future where nanotech enables the resurrection of the dead. Said neo-living are of course discriminated against, have no human rights, and are used as cheap disposable labor by the corporation that uses the technology.
D'oh! I missed that connection, although the little infographic amoebas should have tipped me off
AI researchers continue to daub soot on the walls of Plato's cave, scaring themselves witless:
At least I've IDd the transmission vector from LW to lobste.rs
Look I have nothing against fanfic myself but if there's one powerful corrective it lacks, it is commercial content editorial feedback.
They didn't care much for marine life when they abandoned a tugboat, leavnig it to leak fuel and crap into the sea:
they recently got a profile in fucking WaPo
Rats have reached the "put up stickers to proselytize" stage of their weird religion
I bet that jacket is some super-nerdy thing that William Gibson once mentioned in a book
Anyone matched the list of names of the dinguses currently wrecking US agencies from the inside with known LW or HN posters?
balancing parentheses is why I draft all my comments in emacs
Yeah that’s “Lena” by the SCP guy. Great story.