
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Glenn Greenwald’s decision to resign from The Intercept stems from a fundamental disagreement over the role of editors in the production of journalism and the nature of censorship. Glenn demands the absolute right to determine what he will publish. He believes that anyone who disagrees with him is corrupt, and anyone who presumes to edit his words is a censor. Thus, the preposterous charge that The Intercept’s editors and reporters, with the lone, noble exception of Glenn Greenwald, have betrayed our mission to engage in fearless investigative journalism because we have been seduced by the lure of a Joe Biden presidency. A brief glance at the stories The Intercept has published on Biden will suffice to refute those claims.

The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum. It would take too long to point them all out here, but we intend to correct the record in time. For now, it is important to make clear that our goal in editing his work was to ensure that it would be accurate and fair. While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism.

We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be, and we remain proud of much of the work we did with him over the past six years. It is Glenn who has strayed from his original journalistic roots, not The Intercept.

The defining feature of The Intercept’s work in recent years has been the investigative journalism that came out of painstaking work by our staffers in Washington, D.C., New York, and across the rest of the country. It is the staff of The Intercept that has been carrying out our investigative mission — a mission that has involved a collaborative editing process.

We have no doubt that Glenn will go on to launch a new media venture where he will face no collaboration with editors — such is the era of Substack and Patreon. In that context, it makes good business sense for Glenn to position himself as the last true guardian of investigative journalism and to smear his longtime colleagues and friends as partisan hacks. We get it. But facts are facts, and The Intercept’s record of fearless, rigorous, independent journalism speaks for itself.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 23 hours ago

The Dutch MP just got promoted to the head of NATO. Ignoring those court orders paid off for him.

War crimes abound.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 23 hours ago (3 children)

I'll agree with you that his comment is far fetched. His definition of a "socialist" appears to be more related to non-interventionism.

As you had the courtesy to provide an example I did a little digging too and found that the Intercept did publish an article about Glenn which was not all that positive.

His departure appears related to his belief that The Intercept was "censoring" his political views.

The articles I've read from Glenn from time to time have been accurate but it is good to know that his reporting is very selective.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 23 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

Did the IDF forget to force a metal pipe up his asshole to find evidence of a Hamas tunnel network?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

He might be pulling the same move as the ex Dutch MP Mark Rutte.

Rutte let the Dutch cabinet fall on a lie last year. Seemingly for no reason. Turns out he had a job lined up as head of NATO which he just got last week. So all his excuses about not being able to work out the differences between parties was likely a lie.

Maybe we will also see Macron get a nice cushy job somewhere in top politics soon.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Louis Rossman got threatened by the GrapheneOS dev

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Which comment of Greenwald should they condemn exactly?


In a landmark verdict in February, an appeals court ordered the Netherlands to stop delivering parts for fighter jets used by Israel in its offensive in the Gaza Strip.

The court said at the time there was a "clear risk" the planes would be involved in breaking international humanitarian law.

But the rights groups are returning to court, saying that the ban has not prevented the parts ending up in Israeli planes.

"Unfortunately, everything indicates that these parts end up in Israel from the Netherlands via other routes," said Oxfam Novib, one of the groups involved in the case.

The Dutch government "has continued delivering (parts) to other countries, including the United States. And that contravenes the order of the court," Liesbeth Zegveld, a lawyer representing the rights groups, told the court.

"The court order (from February) applies to all F-35 parts with Israel as the final destination and the state must stop all such deliveries in practice," she argued.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Britain and Zionism name a better combo

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Write factually accurate articles with amazing investigative reporting. Should they condemn ~~Hamas~~ Glenn Greenwald at the beginning of every article?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Manifest v3 joke

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Who isn't a slave of their government these days? Western country have wagies slaving their life away while the government prints money to make housing unaffordable.

The word slave in this context refers to him thinking that only Chinese people are economically extorted. Not because of their ethnicity but because of their government structure.

Informing a person is a lot more helpful than just flat out banning them.


Applicants for German citizenship will be required to explicitly affirm Israel's right to exist under a new citizenship law which came into effect on Tuesday.

The new law shortened the number of years that a person must have lived in Germany in order to obtain a passport, from eight to five years. It will also allow first-generation migrants to be dual citizens.

As part of the shake-up, new questions were added to the country's citizenship test, including about Judaism and Israel's right to exist.


Eight Israeli soldiers have been killed in a blast that engulfed their armoured vehicle in southern Gaza, in the biggest loss of life for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in a single incident since January.

The deaths came amid continuing fighting around Rafah in which at least 19 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes.

According to the IDF, the squad of combat engineers were in a convoy of half a dozen armoured vehicles returning from a mission at about 5am on Saturday morning in the Tal al-Sultan area of the southern Gaza city when their vehicle was destroyed.

According to reports in the Israeli media, the IDF was investigating whether the vehicle exploded after being targeted or following the accidental detonation of explosives which the soldiers had been transporting in their vehicle.

The explosives had been stored on the vehicle’s exterior, a tactic reportedly used to avoid harm to the occupants in the event of detonation. The blast occurred after several other vehicles had already passed the same location, and killed all those inside immediately.


Mona Keijzer (BBB) bevestigde vandaag dat zij vicepremier en minister van Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening wordt. Ook Sophie Hermans (VVD) en Eddy van Hijum (NSC) worden genoemd als vicepremier. En de eerste vicepremier, namens de PVV als grootste partij, zou Gidi Markuszower zijn.

Voor drie van hen wordt een apart ministerie ingericht omdat een vicepremier zonder eigen ministerie 'niet belangrijk genoeg' is. Ook willen de partijen met de namen van ministeries duidelijk maken wat voor hen belangrijk is aan het kabinetsbeleid.

De politieke carrière van Markuszower begon moeizaam. In 2010 trok hij zich terug van de kandidatenlijst van de PVV omdat in een waarschuwingsbrief van de AIVD aan PVV-leider Wilders stond dat Markuszower een risico vormde voor de integriteit van Nederland. De AIVD zei dat hij contact had met medewerkers van buitenlandse inlichtingendiensten, die niet werden genoemd.


Four Israeli soldiers were killed Monday and six wounded in combat in the southern Gazan city of Rafah.

The soldiers' group was made up of soldiers in training, and was hit when a booby trapped building exploded in the Shabura neighborhood in Rafah's east.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/fediverse

I was browsing the fediverse explorer and did not find in the instances list.


The Biden administration’s report on whether Israel has violated U.S. and international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza has been delayed and will no longer be released Wednesday as planned, three Senate aides and a House aide told POLITICO.

The State Department has been working for months on the report, which will issue a determination on whether Israel has violated international humanitarian law since the war in Gaza began. If so, the U.S. would be expected to stop sending Israel military assistance.


The Biden administration’s report on whether Israel has violated U.S. and international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza has been delayed and will no longer be released Wednesday as planned, three Senate aides and a House aide told POLITICO.

The State Department has been working for months on the report, which will issue a determination on whether Israel has violated international humanitarian law since the war in Gaza began. If so, the U.S. would be expected to stop sending Israel military assistance.


Rond de tien mannen hebben maandagavond de confrontatie gezocht met de demonstranten van het pro-Palestijnse protest bij de campus van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). De mannen begonnen de demonstranten uit het niets te slaan en gooiden met vuurwerk en fakkels.

Demonstranten zetten maandag uit protest bij de campus op het Roeterseiland tenten op. Ze eisen onder meer dat de universiteit alle banden met Israël verbreekt.


IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi met with the holder of the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio at the US State Department, who accused Israel of "systematically" sexually abusing Palestinian woman, the general explained in an interview on 103FM.

Is it the official US position that IDF soldiers rape Palestinian women?

"When we meet with a State Department official holding the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio, every word she utters, as far as I'm concerned, is an official US position. Ultimately, she is a government official. When she says, for example, 'You did not provide evidence that Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid and you are starving the population,' what is she talking about? The IDF spokesperson shows [proof] every other day that Hamas is stealing food.


IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi met with the holder of the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio at the US State Department, who accused Israel of "systematically" sexually abusing Palestinian woman, the general explained in an interview on 103FM.

Is it the official US position that IDF soldiers rape Palestinian women?

"When we meet with a State Department official holding the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio, every word she utters, as far as I'm concerned, is an official US position. Ultimately, she is a government official. When she says, for example, 'You did not provide evidence that Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid and you are starving the population,' what is she talking about? The IDF spokesperson shows [proof] every other day that Hamas is stealing food.

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