
joined 1 year ago
[–] garyo 4 points 9 months ago

"Scientists continue to raise alarm bells about the dangers of record-breaking ocean temperatures" -- there, fixed that for you.

[–] garyo 2 points 11 months ago

Biggest process-related emissions (i.e. not energy production, transportation, heating etc.): steel, concrete, plastics, and fertilizer. Together they use about 17% of all energy generated. All industrial energy use is about 23% of the total. See

[–] garyo 1 points 1 year ago

ok, haha, they just announced it. Aug 2-4.


Does anyone know when Newport Jazz Festival will take place in 2024? I see the folk festival dates were just announced to be July 26-28, and the jazz fest is often the following weekend so that would be Aug 2-4. Does anyone actually know?