
joined 2 years ago
[–] gamenac 1 points 2 years ago

Fair enough, depending on where you are at, a flat bottomed style backpack may work well for you, something like: Cargo Style Backpack

[–] gamenac 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

You could try using a rectangular cooler. A lot of people I know who only carry a few discs will use them. They usually hold a few discs, a couple drinks, and maybe a couple other items. Some companies make minimalist bags, too. I think Upper Park has a few and there is a company that makes a bag called a NutSac.

Infinite Discs, Dynamic, and some of the other big companies also offer smaller casual round sized bags depending on the style you're looking for. A lot of them are very affordable.

[–] gamenac 4 points 2 years ago

Its amazing how fast the five book trilogy goes by once you're in it. Its almost time for me to re-read the series again. Glad you're started on your strange, comedic journey through the galaxy!

[–] gamenac 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I think they probably meant in the larger community and in this one. Access to educational materials and services would go a long way in making it harder for things like this to happen. A big problem in America, especially conservative majority areas, is that lack of resources, information, and education makes it easier for political and economic interests to overshadow people's well being. Look at the push for 'right-to-work', brexit, West Virginia and Kentucky in general. There are a lot of people who have restricted access to information and learning who make their decisions based on Fox news, Facebook, and worse.

[–] gamenac 4 points 2 years ago

Its an issue that could have been handled way better. They could let the season run and make changes to next years guidelines. Theres probably no silver bullet answer to resolve the issue, which sucks. Hopefully it gets figured out without penalizing people because of their gender status.

[–] gamenac 1 points 2 years ago

I love pyros, they are definitely a good in-between for the approach and overstable fairway slot. What kind of color combos have you found? I see really cools one from time to time at my local shops.

[–] gamenac 2 points 2 years ago

Have you seen the Conrad versus Lizotte putter round at the Preserve? They both seem like solid choices depending on how you like your putters to fly.

[–] gamenac 1 points 2 years ago

Driver: Lucid Judge Midrange: Fusion Judge Putter: Prime Burst Judge

All joking aside, the Judge is a great disc!

[–] gamenac 1 points 2 years ago

Definitely try out some putters and midranges first. Learning those kinds of discs first helps a lot when you start throwing drivers. For Innova, the aviar putters are the most popular and widely available. Midranges, check out: Roc, Roc3, and Mako. Other midranges and putters to try: P2 (discmania putter), Buzzz(discraft midrange), Bounty(dynamic midrange), Judge(dynamic putter, my favorite disc). Really look for discs that are 5 speend and under for a while. Drivers will most all do the same thing until you get your form down and comfortable with your personal style.

[–] gamenac 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Buchanan definitely was not the president to change the course of events concerning slavery and the ensuing civil war. I think the critique of his stance and following complacency/inaction is on point. I don't think that any one person holding power can be pointed to as the worst, though. Many presidents have made decisions or sat idle during decisive periods; many of which have had lasting negative effects. I think it is easier to see the ripples looking back, but maybe it also magnifies the contempt we have for someone at such a crucial point in time.

But I do agree, Buchanan kind of sucked hard.

[–] gamenac 5 points 2 years ago

Why do you such a strong stance against pitbulls? It sounds like the poster above may already be someone who has cared for/is caring for that specific breed of dog. If they are comfortable with it and are good owners, why would it matter?

[–] gamenac 2 points 2 years ago

I highly recommend looking into Spiderweb Software games. They've been pumping out top down turn based tactics rpgs for years now. I am not sure of the viability on Linux, but I'm sure there is a workaround if anything.

The Avernum series in particular is great if you're into detailed character building, exploring, and high difficulty optional quests/bosses!

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