Wow, what a boldly inaccurate take. How can you possibly believe this? Do you never interact with children? Just a few weeks ago a teacher gave out a URL that had a typo in it to my nephew's middle school class and sure enough it was a porn site. In 2024 no less. IT didn't even block the site. Porn is far too easy to find online inadvertently, case in point turn off safe search on any popular search engine. LOL "nobody is visiting porn sites inadvertently these days", thanks- needed that today lol
Ahh, thanks! It's all making sense now. I was wondering why I hadn't seen a conservative since the pandemic, now I realize it's because they all died. But now that they're gone I don't understand why you're still concerned about them and what they may have thought about issues post-mortem?
What do you mean they played that game with COVID and lost?
Is for mega Chad us only. Quoras home for dwmocraptos
OP was clearly referring to speech of freedom though, not freedom of speech as described in the 1st amendment. Speech of freedom is a stricter subcategory relating to remarks about your freedom or perceived freedom, and is generally allowed per the TOCs of most popular online platforms today where truth claims are permitted.
Why would fruit trees ever be excluded from one's aggregate tree count?
So you still think you live on a magic twirling space ball or what?
Rebar is a god damn conspiracy against the youth my dude
Anyone who bought into the don't be evil story / marketing is being willfully naive. Like all the big tech companies they're basically intelligence fronts. Big tech is big brother. You don't even have to look hard to see how intertwined with the CIA / NSA Google had been from the beginning. Furthermore, Snowden's exposure of PRISM made it clear that it wasn't just a few grants early on, it was setup by design to limit govt liability yet allow mass surveillance to go on unabated and the entire launch of Gmail is yet a single token example. Don't trust big tech.
You can tell it's real because
Such logic