
joined 1 year ago
[–] g0zer 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Your argument is intellectually lazy, I stand by what I said.

I’m only mirroring your attitude friend, ban me if you want. Plenty of other places I can take my opinion. You would think as a mod you would want to foster participation in the community, and not get hung up on something so petty.

You came at me aggressively off the bat; if you can’t admit that, then we aren’t ever going to see eye to eye.

Screenshotting this whole thread.

[–] g0zer 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

And that’s different from this in what way?

-"I wasn't being lazy because I only used the lie machine a little bit."

Practice what you preach.

[–] g0zer 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

Lmao, what authority do you hold?

So, calling out blatant logical fallacies is not being civil?

Ok buddy, you do you…

[–] g0zer 3 points 1 month ago (7 children)

So you don’t have an actual argument, you’re just going to prop up the LLM strawman instead?

Is what I said wrong? Or are your feelings hurt because I used a tool to summarize something?

[–] g0zer 3 points 1 month ago (9 children)

Are you incapable of grasping that the LLM wrote a total of like 3 sentences in a 3 paragraph comment?

And yea, the fact that you can’t seem to google 3 words and read a couple articles instead of being purposefully obtuse reeks of intellectual laziness.

Sorry, not sorry.

[–] g0zer 2 points 1 month ago (11 children)

If you can’t be bothered to spend 5 mins looking something up then you’re welcome to believe whatever you want.

This isn’t a court case, we’re having a conversation in an Internet forum. What you’re calling a “burden of proof”, I’m choosing to call intellectual laziness.

[–] g0zer 2 points 1 month ago (13 children)

I’m perfectly capable of pasting a link to a website; I chose to use a source from a book I read in college and is sitting on a shelf at my house.

I’m not obligated to do a Google search for you.

And again, the LLM isn’t doing my research for me; it’s summarizing an event that I’m already aware of.

[–] g0zer 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I don’t know what to tell you. You can pretty easily look up the agreed upon causes of two pretty impactful and well known historical events. We aren’t talking about some small conflict in some small village in sub-Saharan Africa; the events in question are the Russian revolution and fall of the Soviet Union.

I’m sure you can find dissenting opinions, but what I commented is largely agreed upon.

Had I not been honest about using LLMs to summarize a few sentences, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. If you want to play devils advocate, provide a differing opinion. Your only hang up seems to be that I used a LLM in any capacity.

I’m not even saying it’s the only cause, just that it contributed…

[–] g0zer 1 points 1 month ago (15 children)

Lmao, we aren’t talking about some obscure, niche topic. You asked for a source and I gave you one…

Stop moving the goalposts; if anyone is arguing in bad faith it’s you my friend.

Google “russian revolution 1917” and read the first academic article you see. Your lack of research is not my responsibility…

[–] g0zer 2 points 1 month ago (17 children)

A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution: 1891-1924.

Orlando Figes, 1998

Go read it and tell me what you learn; happy?

[–] g0zer 4 points 1 month ago (21 children)

It’s not a 14 page paper, it’s two references to widely known historical events. I feel like I’m going insane…

Prompt: In 1-2 sentences, summarize the Russian revolution”s impact on social unrest.

Responses: Amidst widespread dissatisfaction with the Tsarist regime due to economic hardship, military failures, and political repression, the Russian people ultimately overthrew a centuries-old monarchy.

I’m not saying “create me a story about Russian people revolting”. I’m taking an event I’m already aware of and asking for it to get boiled down to a simple statement.

I would know if it’s lying because I paid attention in high school and college & I know what the Russian revolution is.

This is being blown way out of proportion because people see “LLM” and freak out. I use LLMs constantly in my day to day life for shit like this (and I’m not going to stop). I also feed it things I’ve written and ask it to check grammar and tighten it up. The LLM isn’t “creating” anything in those cases either, it’s just making things easier to read/understand; acting as an editor.

Sorry if that scares you.

[–] g0zer 4 points 1 month ago

Strange how it seems to work for me…

I know precisely what I want to say, I’m just asking for the information to be condensed into a concise 1-2 sentence statement.

There’s a big difference in asking it to generate something wholesale vs. feeding it information and asking for that information to be summarized in a clean and easy to understand format.

I would argue that is the best way to use LLMs; it’s basically acting as an editor.


In the realm of AI-generated art, we often find ourselves marveling at the potential for infinite possibilities. However, there's a challenge we frequently encounter: getting our AI assistants to generate specific details or styles accurately... It's like guiding a rebellious brush to effortlessly recreate intricate patterns, where precision battles our creative aspirations.

Have you experienced the frustration of coaxing the AI to produce the exact style or detail you desire? Whether it's a particular brushstroke, a specific lighting effect, or even a distinct color palette, let's discuss the roadblocks we face and discover strategies to overcome them.

As we delve into the depths of AI-generated image generation, what aspects have you found most difficult to tackle? Share your experiences and insights with the community. Together, we can unravel the complexities and develop techniques to harness the full potential of AI in creating the art we envision.

Here are a few tips to kickstart the conversation:

  1. Fine-tuning Parameters: Experiment with adjusting the parameters and settings of the AI model. By tweaking the input variables and exploring the available options, you may discover the sweet spot that unlocks the desired styles or details. Weighting & grouping of terms plays a huge part here, IMO.

  2. Iterative Feedback: Engage in an iterative process with the AI model. Provide feedback and guide it towards the desired outcome. By iteratively refining the generated results, you can learn the intricacies of the AI model to better understand and replicate the specific styles and details you seek. I often run a prompt 20 or 30 different ways before I hit the style I'm looking for; taking feedback from the model in the form of my image generations.

  3. Artistic Fusion: Take inspiration from multiple artists or artistic movements and experiment with merging their distinct styles. Fuse elements from contrasting genres, periods, or techniques to create something entirely new and mesmerizing. It's in these unexpected juxtapositions that remarkable sparks of innovation often ignite. For example, reimagine a classic impressionist landscape through the lens of surrealism or infuse elements of street art into a traditional portrait.

I know a specific style that has given me a very hard time is creating different subjects in the style of old Roman marble statues. I have this list of people and events I want to see carved into marble. Can't get the model to reliably pump out results though, it always ends up getting surreal or "uncanny valley" quickly.

What tips or suggestions can you give the community? What problems are you running into? What styles can you just not get to work?

submitted 1 year ago by g0zer to c/ai_art

Luciferian god::5 pen and ink, character concept ::5 comic style, ultra detailed, vibrant colors::4 clean, themed colors, bold lines, award winning design::3 deformed artifacts, dull, watermark, signature, text ::-3 --v5


graffiti monster ::5 pen and ink, character concept ::5 comic style, ultra detailed, vibrant colors::4 clean, themed colors, bold lines, award winning design::3 deformed artifacts, dull, watermark, signature, text ::-3 --v5


modern inner-city male samurai::5 with oversized katana::5 bright streetwear inspired clothing::5 bold, powerful lines and vivid, exciting coloring::3 highly detailed, ultra realistic, manga inspired artwork, print quality::3 --niji v5

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