The fax machine actually had a massive impact on society and is much older than you think (newer than the telegram, older than the telephone, and in use during Abraham Lincolns life time).
Just because it's usefulness had declined in the prior 10 years to him making that statement, doesn't mean it didn't affect the economy.
In the year 2100 or 2200 the internet as we know it may have been superceded by methodologies we can't even comprehend right now.
I genuinely do think it depends. YouTube is actually a good example here: content videos created to enforce a feedback loop to beat the algorithm are more likely to be optimized to tend towards beating out the competition and meet watchtime and engagement metrics. In that way they are (arguably) more akin to advertisements (that have a very high volume and prioritize cutting through noise) than they are to drama (and comedy).
Although drama isn't looking to bore you either, if it opened with dramatic sobbing and weeping, ended with dramatic sobbing and weeping, and also consisted of 90s mins of sobbing and weeping between — it would fail. Drama needs dynamics, youtubers do not (necessarily).