i had this thought too. i'm always looking for a silver lining in times like this. hope is precious.
joined 8 months ago
you can vote with one hand and hold a rifle with the other. they aren't exclusive concepts.
spoiler: might makes right, whether you like it or not. you can hold flowers or you can hold an assault rifle. see which one goes further to accomplish your goals. wake up ffs.
no, it screams upholding decency
i'll gladly play whack a mole with fascists until they're all gone.
i'll bet the guy was libertarian bent. libertarians and christian evangelicals don't necessarily align politically. even though there is some overlap, there are still plenty of reasons for them to be diametrically opposed.
you're right. i struggle to find a non offensive word sometimes, but coward definitely works.
whack a mole/nazi is a fun game