This is all very impressive even though I'm not a Mod of anything.
Show if a link is already posted when creating a post, and where.
This feature kinda blows my mind.
Great work!
This is all very impressive even though I'm not a Mod of anything.
Show if a link is already posted when creating a post, and where.
This feature kinda blows my mind.
Great work!
I posit that an uncorruptible person would never allow themselves to become a Dictator.
An uncorruptible individual would possess other traits that would humble them enough to not believe that they are above all others.
A Dictator believes that they themselves have the only right to rule.
tRy tHinkING foR yoUrself iNsTEad of JUst trYInG To fiT iN.
Make sure you buy the correct type of plunger.
Cup plungers are meant for sinks.
Flange plungers are meant for toilets.
We're not allowed to have our own opinions?
How very Dictator of you.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
From my personal experience on adding pure tung oil to cutting boards after about 15+ coats over a few years(I know that's a lot of coats over a long period of time) there is now a thin solid surface on the wood. It honestly looks like a thin film finish but it's all natural.
It is also water repellent to an extent. I think of it as a natural wood stabilizer. The oil penetrates and fills the wood pores then hardens. This prevents moisture from penetrating easily. Now I only apply tung oil once a year to my cutting boards and twice to my spatulas and wood handle knives.
The mineral oil beeswax method is the convenient way of doing it, if anyone wants to use this method I don't blame them, but it's my opinion that adding layers of a tung oil over a longer period of time is the proper way of doing it.
When you use mineral oil and beeswax you will remove the top layer after a few washes. Some of the mineral oil will seep further into the wood but will not protect the exterior(the cutting surface). When I used only mineral oil and beeswax I would have to reapply that finish monthly as the wood would visibly dry out.
I'll leave it to OP which method they choose to use. One is more convenient in the beginning and one is more durable over time.
What's dating life, Precious?
100% pure Tung oil.
Once a day for a week.
Once a week for a month.
Once a month for a year.
Once a year every year.
Leaving behind a tool is never a good day. Especially when you don't notice untill the next time you need it!
Honestly, that's an interesting idea. I don't really like collecting but if I ever had to buy another one that could be an option.
I had the same problem. The oxide makes it gritty and stiff so I also added oil. Luckily, just by using it over time most of the moving parts are smooth. I agree that I'd probably also buy it again. It fits my main needs perfectly.
House M.D. (2004)
Daredevil (2015)
The Expanse (2015)