
joined 2 years ago
[–] froh42 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

5 year old me after it bounces back from my finger I accidentally put there- agaaaain! agaaain!

And the stupidest of all car owners is not smarter than a 5y old kid.

[–] froh42 40 points 9 months ago

Do we also have something like r/dontputyourdickinthat on lemmy?

[–] froh42 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Woa ich weiß, dass viele Leute Tatort auf ein Podest stellen weil der so viel ausprobiert und so toll ist. Ich hab in meinem Leben kaum einen gesehen, wo ich Lust hatte dran zu bleiben. Irgendwie ist das immer die gleiche Soße, Ermittlerteam plus sozialkritisches Thema abgeschmeckt mit mehr oder weniger Humor.

Und eigentlich bin ich im besten Tatort Alter, frühe Gen X

Aber jedesmal wenn ich es versuche, hab ich nach 10 Minuten oder so den Drang umzuschalten.

[–] froh42 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

As a guy one thing I notice - there's a difference in how good I dry my parts after showering. Things feel cleaner during the day if I manage to get all the moisture away but before hiding my best parts in underwear shortly after showering.

I have wondered many times (and here is the place people can answer) - am I the only one who uses the hairdryer on his balls after drying his hair? (When I do, I always have this "thank god nobody sees this" feeling)

[–] froh42 29 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (5 children)

“If you’ve got, at scale, a statistically significant amount of data that shows conclusively that the autonomous car has, let’s say, half the accident rate of a human-driven car, I think that’s difficult to ignore,” Musk said.

That's a very problematic claim - and it might only be true if you compare completely unassited vehicles to L2 Teslas.

Other brands also have a plethora of L2 features, but they are marketed and designed in a different way. The L2 features are activate but designed in a way to keep the driver engaged in driving.

So L2 features are for better safety, not for a "wow we live in the future" show effect.

For example lane keeping in my car - you don't notice it when driving, it is just below your level of attention. But when I'm unconcentrated for a moment the car just stays on the lane, even on curving roads. It's just designed to steer a bit later than I would do. (Also, even before, the wheel turns minimally lighter into the direction to keep the car center of lane, than turning it to the other direction - it's just below what you notice, however if you don't concentrate on that effect)

Adaptive speed control is just sold as adaptive speed control - it did notice it uses radar AND the cameras once, as it considers. my lane free as soon the car in front me clears the lane markings with its wheels (when changing lanes)

It feels like the software in my car could do a lot more, but its features are undersold.

The combination of a human driver and the driver assist systems in combination makes driving a lot safer than relying on the human or the machine alone.

In fact the braking assistant has once stopped my car in tight traffic before I could even react, as the guy in front of me suddenly slammed their brakes. If the system had failed and not detected the situation then it would have been my job to react in time. (I did react, but can't say if I might have been fast enough with reaction times)

What Tesla does with technology is impressive, but I feel the system could be so. much better if they didn't compromise saftey in the name of marketing and hyperbole.

If Tesla's Autopilot was designed frim ground up to keep the driver engaged, I believe it would really be the safest car on the road.

I feel they are rather designed to be able to show off "cool stuff".

[–] froh42 2 points 9 months ago

Erste sinnvolle Erklärung.

[–] froh42 1 points 9 months ago

I enjoy and do A, but need B a week later to recharge.

[–] froh42 12 points 9 months ago (2 children)

When I was a teenager my dad got a beautiful marble chess board. It was leaning on a wall, and when I picked it up it broke into two halves.

My dad was really sad and angry at me, that board meant quite a deal to him. He always thought I mishandled it, regardless how I said I was careful.

He died last November.

I got sent a few boxes with his belongings, and when I opened one of them I found that chessboard. It is glued with epoxy.

It sits in my apartment now, and I still don't know if I want to keep it or get rid of it. One one hand it meant a lot to him, on the other hand it is one of the very rare things where I felt treated unfairly.

[–] froh42 4 points 9 months ago

Ich kaufe Joghurt in 1/2 Liter Einweggläsern. Die Einweggläser spüle ich und verwende sie immer wieder anstelle von Tupperdosen. Wenn ich koche, packe ich einzelne Portionen in die Gläser.

(Nee, das ist kein food prepping, nur wenn ich koche ist das halt selten mal gerade eine Portion - den Rest ess ich später)

[–] froh42 3 points 9 months ago

When I batch cook I fill portions of hot food into glass jars with screw lids and keep them in the fridge. (Those glass jars contained yogurt when I bought them, when I need more I buy more yogurt and eat it)

Each jar is 1/2l so a good size for one portion and I only open them when I take them out of the fridge for usage. By filling hot, keeping cool and not opening them (so introducing only few microorganisms) they stay OK for at least a week.

[–] froh42 14 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I live in Germany, was a teenager in the 80s. We would have been ground zero then, and would be ground zero now.

I've already spent all the fear of nuclear war in the 80s. I am just not able to fear nuclear war now, anymore. The fear just dulls after nearly half a century.

The choice is to let a madman bring war to one country after another or to stop it - with the cost that stopping has a miniscule chance of me getting vaporized.

But doing nothing will keep the risk of nuclear war for another 50 years. It has to be stopped now, appeasement never did anything good.

[–] froh42 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Letztes Jahr ist mein Vater krank geworden, nach Wochen im Krankenhaus und 2x künstlichen Koma hatte ich dann ein Gespräch mit den Ärzten was das Ziel der Behandlung wäre.

Um den Preis einer schweren Pflegebedürftigkeit das Leben zu erhalten war es jedenfalls nicht. Der Pflegenotstand ist in die Diskussion eingeflossen.

Ich selbst werde eine Patientenverfügung erstellen, denn wenn ich in so eine Situation komme, möchte ich auch, dass lebenserhaltende Massnahmen wie z. B. eine Dialyse unterbleiben, bevor ich in so ein Heim komme.

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