Jon needs a carbon monoxide detector and a new oven.
Ascheim? Kirchheim? Heimstetten? Ich meine das war irgendwas nah an der A99 hier bei München.
Oh man, from time to time I miss my W124. It was a 300CE coupe in that violet-ish color (Bornit), that people either love or hate.
Where's the problem? If the door opens blows out en route the astronauts will probably still reentry.
Now I am completely unsure whether to call this a dad joke.
Sorry for making fun about your typo, but the thought of a cussion - a cushion that cusses like a sailor every time you sit on it - is too funny.
It's probably also a matter of perspective and where in the world you live.
I feel specifically the last 25 years have been specifically bad with the outbreak of quite a number of wars. Starting with two gulf wars, balkan war, several wars around the russian influence sphere, a lot going on in africa, wars nearly forgotten by the media like Yemen, and ultimately Israel/Gaza....
It 's a shit show, globally right now.
The footrest is still there in a manual car. The brake pedal is smaller, the clutch in between.
When you brake you hit the clutch with the left foot and brake with the right one on the brake pedal. Unintentionally smashing the wider brake pedal can happen if you switch from a smaller car to one with a very wide brake pedal. (Mercedes have quite wide brake pedals, for example)
It also happened a few times to me over my. life until I got used to put my left foot very close to the seat when driving automatic, so I don't subconsciously use it. (Just "away" from where I'd have it in a manual car)
It typically happens if you need to do emergency braking anyways and just all the reflexes kick in. In normal situations it never happened to me.
These words were just on my tongue.