Boo! You just said that. Anything new to say Anakin?
Ah. There you are. I had the post_id and the parent_id the wrong around.
Hey Anakin? Do you think it'll be better now?
Testing comment notification 1
Testing the new automod Anakin?
Another automod test
"Sheev sleeves" are so hot right now, but who wore 'em best?
(Rey's grandma is Emma Stone in 'Poor Things', for anyone not up-to-date on their auteur cinema)
Sorry. Have to post this now, so I can claim that I made this connection in at least the the same YEAR that Barbie came out.
Meme Connoisseurs will be pleased know that I used Barbie Pink (0xE0218a, obvs) for the text.
The new post in cremposting is titled 'Trying to revive this community', which'll be extra challenging considering it doesn't look like the post federated anywhere.
That's the spirit. Let's spin the wheel once more yeah Anakin?