Ooh. Where did you get the film recipe and how do you load it onto the camera (or is it in post)?
I can’t tell if this is satire or real anymore.
Came for the roasting. Left with a load of practical tips to improve my soldering.
Water based lube.
It’d have to be a communal bath though, and I’m inviting you all, even Hairy Steve.
Fascinating thank you
Yikes. Struggling to imagine the practicalities of that eg how does the fibre not snag, how much does it weight etc but if it works, then Godspeed to them.
what use does that have? Battlefield comms?
Fair enough. Small acts of rebellion etc.
I’ve seen other people do this habitually. What’s the reasoning to go out of your way to do this? Just curious.
Agreed. And hopefully our man Kier can stop cosplaying long enough to follow through on more military support.
I won’t live long enough but I’d love to become an old cat man.
At least you haven’t been defeeted.