There are places where I think homes should have AC as a standard. This has included a lot of places for quite a while, but it’s sounded the last couple years like parts of Europe are there, too.
That is horrible. Take a cool drink of choice with you if you can, especially if the heat gets you.
You have my sympathy. We’ve had that for several years in the American West now, and we know to expect the fires, smoke, and drought. I hope you don’t get this every year. Don’t get me started on illegal fireworks, especially in brushland.
I love every season but summer, but autumn is my favorite for coffee and all things apple.
[edit to add: Summer is very draining for both of us. I don’t have angry meltdowns, but I just break into a tired ball of roastedness and it being hard to think right. My mother just sleeps a lot and roasts. Heavens forbid we don’t drink enough.]
Yeah, it got into the low 90s today here, and we have no AC. We open windows at night and use fans and cold food and drinks during the day.
There is an @tea . I’ll update this comment because I’m sure I have another in my subscriptions. [edit: I was wrong. Must’ve been thinking about Substack. Found a couple coffee ones if you also like coffee.]