Omg I love this comeback, will be using that ๐
Beautifully said
The relative difference is what matters. The article is sustainable, so is not eating animals.
I'm vegan, and I bike everywhere, if I need to drive I drive a Nissan leaf!
I think my largest impacts right now are in air conditioning and refrigeration.
Most of my food is shelf safe, but I freeze a lot of fresh veggies and fruit to keep them. My fridge though is usually very empty so I've considered just buying a mini fridge instead to save energy since I have so little in that area.
I don't know what to do about air conditioning. I've thought about getting an e-thermostat but I don't know how much that would help beyond just turning off the AC when I leave.
I'm curious what others are doing though!
i read the book and you can tell it was written in pieces. It's far from my favorite sci-fi, but if you're just really craving dystopia I think it's alright.
On a Windows machine absolutely. On MacOS, why not trust safari? The battery management for Safari is fantastic.
This started when we lost swappable batteries and it never stopped. Will never get over it either.