naming them does not mean you understand them.
it's prima facie
why would you lie so obviously about how votes are counted or whether you are going to use the block button? anyone can see the lie.
this is hard to grok but i hope you find that block button soon
i thought you were blocking me. do it and you can have your blissful, uninterrupted ignorance.. please.
I’m condescending you now, then blocking you:
oh, thank god
Help Biden hurt Biden Help trump hurt trump.
repeating this is starting to feel like i'm being trolled
Display any example of a constrained 2 outcome system where non participation results in non 4 variant outcome.
society is not a constrained 2 outcome system. your entire premise is wrong.
accusing me of trolling doesn't make anything i've said untrue or make anything you've said closer to the truth.
ou’ll need to defend that. It’s not supported empirically or theoretically.
you're spreading election misinformation. a vote for cornel west cannot be counted as a vote for trump.
your position depends on someone believing a vote for cornel west is a vote for trump. it's an absurdity.
I know that you are dishonest so I'll not be helping you with anything except rectifying your dishonesty and finding that block button