Whatever case I get when my finger reaches the shift key.
Because they could make it print even more money, and make the line go more up for a very short time!
That looks good on the CV you know.
It is relevant though, since the issue of it being animal abuse or not is central to the whole thing.
Is it not animal abuse? Then what has happened in this post is correct.
Is it animal abuse? Then this post shows that the admins will roll over if they get enough push back from a group of users.
No, people are down voting it for being a bad argument, because humans can in fact make the choice not to take those tablets or get those injections.
But these cats that are forced a vegan diet can't.
Oh sure, they could choose to not eat, and die a bit faster than they would on the vegan food, but no animal will choose to ignore food when they are hungry.
Hey lushdragon44, a question: why the he'll do you always post things here twice with a few hours between?
Based on it saying we have pizza hut in Norway, and they pulled out of the country in 2000... Old.
Yupp, pizza hut pulled out in 2000
The Internet: Where men are men, women are men and the children are FBI agents.
Hey man, I think your keyboard is broken.
Every single reply you have made in this thread is just the exact same thing.
What I like about having the Bluetooth connection to the app, is mostly just to see when the water has come up to temperature.
But that was apparently too much to ask, since it says that they are also removing the Bluetooth functionality from the app...
Just a regular stock buy, so up. Lost around 200k so far.
But he did say he was going to sit on the stocks for some years, so might get some back.
How long until grandpoobear is banned from posting their content for having poo in their name, just like they deleted all his Mario maker levels for having the word poo in them?