Less competition for their farmers/Shortages mean higher grain prices.
This - wanted to add that it's generally not a good idea to have radioactive elements not under under lock and key as they have a nasty habit of ending up in scrap yards and the like. Most nuclear accidents are from radiotherapy and x-ray machine sources not getting disposed of correctly and getting picked up by enterprising scrappers due to the high lead content of their housing.
Hadn't heard of that, he's definitely being weird and wrong, but its not as schizophrenic as time cube.
Terrance Howard? The time cube guy is Otis Eugene "Gene" Ray and I'm pretty sure he would have been 80 at the time. Plus he's white.
Moon days are 29 and a half earth days so whilst solar will contribute to a moon bases energy grid, they need other options. A big issue is relaibiltity and redundancy and unfortunately nuclear can't be beat in that regard. Edit: spelling
I enjoyed the Stainless Steel Rat series by Harry Harrison - they're short, reasonably light comic sci-fi.
They've got a really cool aquarium - the main tank stretches over several floors and is spectacular.
You might also enjoy bitburner which is free on steam. It's a JavaScript based hacking game with a focus on automation.
End of contract stuff is an issue in the industry, with 15-18% being contractors, but that's it's a separate one - if you're a contractor you're going to need to find a new job no matter what at the end of the project unless you get lucky enough to snag a permanent role.
Layoffs for salaried employees at the end of a project is a systematic problem in the industry - This is a really good article from 2014 that's covers a lot of the issues.
It was fun and the animation was good.
That's not unusual for games studios after shipping a game unfortunately. It likely means that they don't have another project ramping up after finishing the Callisto Protocol DLC.
As the cat demon from adventure time say: "I have approximate knowledge of many things."