Same, my partner nearly died around the same age from a tiny infected glass cut that developed cellulitis.
Don't forgot the Blitzchung Hong Kong scandal - Blizzard has really gone from scandal to scandal the last few years.
There is actually only one bullet, guns only make a noise that attract it's attention.
They lost it too, so its still out there and will kill again.
BASIC was great for teaching coding well into the 90s, I have fond memories of hanging out in the computer lab with my best friend and a very permissive (and patient) computing teacher in primary school.
I loved discovering all the little quirks of the character skins - I remember the stone golem was immune to fire.
They kind of look like camel spiders which I find much worse.
You body begins to die a painful but probably mercifully quick death. Hormones are vital to your bodies continual survival and even if you targeted specific ones, you'd just be creating problems for yourself. Elimated dopamine? Congrats you've given yourself ADHD and a host of other personality problems. Melotonin? Oops no more sleep for you, enjoy your sudden weight gain and compromised immune system. We don't take hormones, we are hormones.
The games industry is shrinking post COVID boom, companies expanded massively to try to capitalise on that and now the money isn't there anymore. The games industry is always bad for layoffs, with staff being seen as an unnecessary expense post project in many cases. Additionally the tech sector is experiencing a unheard of levels of bad year (something like a 700%+ percent increase in layoffs according to at least one research group) which is contributing.
Is that EPP? My partner's childhood best friend has one of the worst EPP reactions known to medical literature. I can't imagine anything that sounds half as bad.