I don’t think i ever came across cross posted content where up/down voting was not allowed 🤔
Neo liberals are sabotaging themselves and everyone else by blaming voters for not getting behind tepid astro turfed right leaning centrist corporatism.
You all need to wake up and realize our presidential elections are likely just as compromised by money as the rest of our political system. There are 14 traits of fascism and both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of those traits with fraudulent elections being the only trait they can claim the corruption of is plausible deniable. All you thinking that the ideals of democracy haven't been corrupted to the same point everything else has because of hurrrr durrrr democracy and “murican eyedeeeuhhhlissum” are living in an idealistic delusion. The system has proven it will not be remedied through its own mechanisms and that those with power have subverted those very mechanisms to prevent any meaningful change which means the only way forward is revolution.
Neo liberal western democracy vehemently opposes economic democracy and any movement to the left. This makes it completely undemocratic and an ultimate defacto class dictatorship. But cleverly disguised pr masquerading as unbiased journalism owned by wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires have convinced you the house isn’t actively burning when it obviously is.
Nah. You would need to actually puncture a lithium cell
Hasnt this repulsive spray tanned diarrhea leaking anal wart spent more than this on golfing in the first 46 days of his second term?
Fascism was never stamped out. Wall street supported it heavily and now they fully control the us political and military machine. We came full circle. The nazi’s didnt loose the war their ideology infected those with control today. Central banks funded the third reich and those same financial institutions are still empowered and playing a part today. War and genocide / eugenics is a part of their business model.
No hut the DNC definitely is for sabotaging sanders and his supporters to ensure the neo liberal class dictatorship could continue and prevent any platform movement to the left that might vaguely resemble a new FDR presidency
The thing is said last summer that got me permabanned was “international law states that occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist occupation and fight back by any means possible” reddit has an aversion to facts as do all conservatives and their fellow neo liberal boot lickers
Wtf is “vote brigading”?
They are desperately obvious and its cringe. They were in full blast damage control censorship mode even before december 4th. I was VPN banned last summer just for saying that occupied indigenous people have a right to resist occupation by any means necessary as per international law in regards to palestine and IsNoTreal. So far ive jot been able to evade the ban even with a vpn. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers have become too confident and comfortable.
Can we take the time to acknowledge that the phrase “fake news losers at cnn” was used in an official executive white house release? This is on par with the release they put out a couple weeks ago that spelled “executive” as ecexutive” 🥴🤡 America is cooked.
You're not wrong but that takes a lot of time. Its an oxidation reaction happening.the fastest way to start a volatile reaction in a sealed lithium battery cell is to pierce the exterior container