
joined 2 years ago
[–] esadatari 14 points 2 years ago (1 children)

found the bmw driver at heart

[–] esadatari 56 points 2 years ago (1 children)

*makes fat lonely incel fumbling sounds*

“mMmMm yeTh tHe FeMmoOidS”

let me guess, you’re a really nice guy?

[–] esadatari 5 points 2 years ago

i legitimately laughed at this comment rofl

nail on the head

[–] esadatari 23 points 2 years ago (1 children)

what like 2, 3 trips to tahiti?

[–] esadatari 6 points 2 years ago (7 children)

that is a special kind of stupid.

they should have had him sign a waiver saying the coast guard didn’t need to watch out for him, and then send him on his way, godspeed.

trust me, the human gene pool could desperately use it.

[–] esadatari 13 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

it’s worth noting that we should be reminded of the rosenbergs if you want to see what should and used to be done to those who sold state secrets. and those weren’t state secrets that led to unprecedented amounts of CIA assets being killed.

if it wouldn’t turn his dumb ass into a martyr by his followers, i’d say he should meet the same fate the rosenbergs had.

as it is, with how hard he fucked over the CIA, i won’t be surprised if he suddenly has a heart attack or disappears years down the line.

[–] esadatari 12 points 2 years ago (2 children)

there is a difference between saying what you mean, personally, versus personifying what one imagines the GOP leadership running the state of louisiana would say based on their voting record and obvious stances.

the person saying the comment above likely doesn’t think the people of louisiana don’t require doctors, but is instead saying that the state, as a whole, is reaping what they sow.

it’s unfortunate that there are going to be a lot of people that get fucked over on this. and a lot of people will have to do a lot of traveling to get procedures done. and it’s going to be painful. and that pain unfortunately needs to occur, or else the powers that be won’t realize how far they’re fucking over the citizens of their state.

it’s a hard lesson that’s being learned. idaho is learning it too. it fucking sucks.

brain drain is real. and the folks that ensured that it was possible are going to reap what they sow.

right now as far as lousiana the state government is concerned, they would rather have the coverage of a religious based rule than a gay doctor that could save the lives of so many children.

in which case: the hyperbolic statement that “there’s no need for doctors in red states, they have prayers” is, in essence, an accurate hyperbolization.

[–] esadatari 0 points 2 years ago

as you can see this man is wearing a mask and all those tattoos prove that he is a uh… *checks notes* …government plant. a “fed” as they say.

[–] esadatari 7 points 2 years ago

holy shit this broke me 10/10

[–] esadatari 4 points 2 years ago

the sesame street always eventually claims the souls that revolve around it.

[–] esadatari 352 points 2 years ago (11 children)

bethesda announces game concept.

people freak.

bethesda announces game. 

people hype.

bethesda starts hyping the game.

people go fucking nuts hyping the game as a result. their social media team plants those seeds to make it look organic.

a year or more of speculation occurs.

todd howard being his little schmuck self comes out and boasts about their new game.

people lose their god damn minds.

whispers of shitty gameplay start occurring closer to launch.

the masses tell those people to fuck off how could they know, dishonest review etc etc.

the big names in game reviews all review it and give it out of the park amazing reviews.

people go batshit crazy. people are out in the streets killing their parents for a chance at the new bethesda god game.

the game is released and is somewhat playable but jesus fuck is it lacking, it’s buggy, and every character looks like they’ve been updated from skyrim graphics of yore. the story sucks. the game play is empty but goddamn is there a lot to explore.

everyone rushes in like a madman.

everyone realizes the gameplay sucks.

people start bitching.

others say “oh don’t worry, DLC and user created mods will fill the game out nicely.”

years pass.

the unpaid modding community pours their heart and soul into making the game not fucking suck.

after all the DLC has come out (all with mostly positive or mixed reviews on steam) the game will go dark for a year or so.

todd howard wakes from his capitalist vampire coma needing fresh life force. the blood money of his unsuspecting idiot fans.

todd howard makes it into the office and says we could make a new game or we can milk this game for the next decade and a half. quick come up with names to rerelease the game under. game of the year edition. complete edition. master edition. elite edition. remastered. remastered complete. anything works!

over the course of the next three decades, todd howard is fed the blood of bethesda’s fan base.

he is swollen, like a fat tick upon his harkonen throne, waiting to burst.

“the people. they call for a NEW game”, he says, a devilish sneer contorts his face.

and the cycle continues.

and these fucking idiots. every goddamn time.

[–] esadatari 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

fine i’ll get one of those crazy mormons to jump hump me into butt fuckin a twink. stick to the LDS rules.

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