Sounds closer to ptsd than intrusive thoughts tbh
Originally ptsd was diagnosed to military AND first responders, first responders because they saw some shit.
Like you did
Sounds closer to ptsd than intrusive thoughts tbh
Originally ptsd was diagnosed to military AND first responders, first responders because they saw some shit.
Like you did
Honestly if you regret not making a move when you're a kid at 62 flipping years old. I have to assume there's tons more mistakes you've made.
That's never been the case. They only need an excuse
Works for gangs all the time yeah?
Cops fearing for their lives is the #1 reason they pull a gun and shoot
Honestly, a lot of centrist are. They also don't expect any of it to actually be implemented. Cue those leopards
because if you dont vote, you are actively pushing for the party that "repels" you, to be in power.
That is not true. I'm not voting for someone who doesn't appeal me and Neither Trump nor kamala did.
Now when Trump was president he made some awful decisions.. Kamala and Biden also have.
And, in case you haven't noticed things aren't particularly great right now. Something that the dems have had plenty of time to fix, or work to find some kind of solution.
For all their harping on about how important it is to stop Trump they sure never acted as though he was a credible threat, never put contingencies in place and never planned ahead for stopping it.
In short, no matter which way you think of it. They didn't earn my vote
I'm dissatisfied with either. One actively repels me but the other isn't appealing either.
Neither is th default here because neither is the incumbent, though Kamala is closer.
So if neither is asking for my vote or bringing anything i want, why would I show up?
Blame me if you like, but the truth is they failed because they were not appealing enough. And that's simply all there is to it.
First? You're joking, right?