
joined 2 years ago
[–] emenl 6 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

What this government is showing me is that there already a third party and they're in control. They gave us the two party system so we can point fingers at each other and get tired trying to bring about change.

There is only one rule to follow these days and that's FOLLOW THE MONEY.

[–] emenl 33 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Gen 'Xer here too. Most, if not all of my social circle are voting for Trump too. I am mirroring you in saying that I also shared the same life experience as them. What I'm noticing with all social media which is a major part of all our lives is that its a giant echo camber for both sides. Here on lemmy and reddit (yes I know, but I still check in there) we are all leaning left and denouncing him. Meanwhile on the Meta and Twitter I see everyone clamoring about him bring their savior and how evil and wretched Harris and the libs are. Both sides are surprised how close this race is. I see the media profiting on all this chaos and nonsense. We need to fight to get the media out of the control of all these oligarchs, be-it US or foreign interference centers. I think and hope that more and more people are realizing this and this is going to be the start of class warfare. Sad thing is they got all us have-nots battling each other instead of them. So hard to talk with the cultists and veer them away from the Kool aid going around. It's sad and it's going to get dark one way or another.

Anyway preach on and don't give up.

[–] emenl 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

No I'm subscribed to Tom Scott and Project Farm in fact! Unfortunately I feel useful stuff like that is in the minority on YouTube. Try looking at the top videos on a guest account. That's all the crap I'm referring to. A lot of mindless drivel

[–] emenl 6 points 7 months ago

No I would like to disagree, they went to college for the opportunity to gain more knowledge. Some of them partied, some of them are idiots but in the end college itself doesn't give you experience needed to guarantee it being worthwhile like it used to be 20 years ago. I say this as a guy who got a BS in electrical engineering and no one wanted to hire me out of school since I had no experience except for the college experience of in itself.

[–] emenl 10 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Looking at my friends kids who have completed college in the last ten years, I can safely say that 70% of them are worst off than if they didn't go. How did I come to that conclusion? Well they are so riddled with debt it's going to take them at least 10 years, if not more to dig themselves out of that due to the college experience. Are they more educated? I would say yes but their outlook on life is so grim compared to the other kids who didn't go to college and jumped directly working into trades. Those kids I see are happier and doing better in life. Again, this is just from my experiences. True it all depends on the degrees and the person itself but still doesn't change my opinion on thinking college is overrated now.

[–] emenl 18 points 7 months ago (13 children)

It seems to rise to the top of YouTube, you have to be a crazed sociopath or just plain idiotic to engage enough people to be able to afford a house. I think college is overrated but still think those that try are better off. Youtubers are not in anyway contributing to the betterment of our world. It's sad how crap content is the driving force for getting monetized.

[–] emenl 17 points 1 year ago (4 children)

:cries in California:

[–] emenl 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I had this album when it came out, got into all that trendy chant type of mysic. Delirium being another big one.

What I associate this song with is one of my college professors saying how this album was his go to sex soundtrack with his wife. I stopped listening to the album thereafter.

[–] emenl 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Without seeing it, the best solution I can think of is to try cleaning it up real good with something like Simple Green(works amazing on rubber). After it's nice and dry, use some Eternabond RoofSeal tape making sure to have at least two inches overlap. That stuff will stick well to clean rubber and hold good for a few more years. Nothing will ever be a permanent solution until you can replace the whole piece of rubber roofing unfortunately .

[–] emenl 7 points 2 years ago

Amen to that! Described my first ever relationship that ended up with me being celebate for 6 years. I thought that was normal couple behavior at the time and I didn't want a part of that.

[–] emenl 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Compare it to this... Watching a highly rated chef come up with the most amazing sounding and looking dinner meal over the course of a few hours. You are anxiously awaiting to take a bite and salivating for that moment. When you finally get served your plate and get to that scrumptious first bite, the biggest wave of disappointment hits and you lose your appetite.

I don't know how else to explain it

[–] emenl 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Guy who is old enough to use his first computer to get on a BBS to get this type of experience

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