Thank you, that is such a reasonable and intelligent response.
Agreed. The userbase is a bit too homogeneous. Also if you say something remotely positive or try to bring some nuance to topics that have a strong circle jerk value on Lemmy you'll get downvoted into oblivion.
Tesla drivers are now Nazis?
Not really. He's just afraid that his satellite constellation will get targeted by the Russians. They probably threatened him and he being who he is (attached to his companies) started to cave.
Ironic. But both trains and cars have their own use cases. It's just that cars are used way too much. Atleast we are now able to build cars that don't poison the air in the cities we live in.
Selvfølgelig spiller økonomi en rolle i beslutningsprosessen. Det skal lønne seg å investere i nye anlegg.
Yeah that's my biggest issue with VW's EV's. The steep prices are making me consider Chinese alternatives because the pricing is out of wack from The Germans.
Haha same. Men pizzaen er ikke så alt for værst. Det er prisene som er min største issue med Dominoes. Samtidig så har de totalt sluttet med gode priser når de har salg. Får bare sms om tilbud på medium pizza, noe jeg aldri har kjøpt i mitt hele liv.
Word! Jeg klarer ikke ta folk seriøst når de klager over vindmøller når den egentlige praktiske raseringen av norsk natur kommer av hyttefelt, veibygging, kjøpesentere og arealineffektive boligfelt som på liv og død skal bygges på landbruksjord.
If you have the right opinions Lemmy can be a comfortable place.