
joined 2 years ago
[–] ellypony 1 points 21 hours ago
[–] ellypony 5 points 5 days ago


[–] ellypony 24 points 1 week ago

Future historians will celebrate this man forever.

[–] ellypony 2 points 1 week ago

don’t you dare lump me into this tragedy.

Thank merciful goodness the public education system I was put through in my time actually offered me at least shreds of crucial resources, and encouraged my literacy. My parents read to me every night, and transported me into the shoes of other people with different issues. I learned to see what the world was like for people who look and speak differently than me on my own.

dear god help us all if that, at the bare minimum, isn’t normal anymore.

[–] ellypony 15 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

i really needed to read something like this today. Thank you :3

[–] ellypony 3 points 2 weeks ago

I love them both so much

[–] ellypony 4 points 3 weeks ago

i really wanna smell a boys hair

[–] ellypony 2 points 1 month ago

if i’m smiling at my phone it’s because spaunch bop gangdamn stye

[–] ellypony 72 points 2 months ago (5 children)

what kind of cartoon world are we living in that i’m actually on the side of a corporation for once

[–] ellypony 2 points 2 months ago

buebery 🥲

[–] ellypony 3 points 2 months ago
[–] ellypony 10 points 2 months ago (5 children)

she’s so gender


Does anyone here know if sorting assets by filesize is supported? Say, if someone wanted to quickly find assets that take up excessive space and easily remove them.~___~


A few months ago, I took an interest in unconventional methods to manipulate and create visual artwork. I wanted to share some of thoughts. As well as the tools and examples that helped me develop skills.

If you really want an exceptional understanding of FFmpeg -- and just how magic it is -- you need to destroy media. Yes. Counterintuitively, destroying things with FFmpeg is the best way to illustrate how much power it has compared to anything else out there. Sure, you can add quick easy transitions and choose from a curated list of aspect ratios with most GUI video editing software. But that's BORING. Because they always work right the first time!There is little room for human conversation, little room to make mistakes. The software -- and by extension, it's creators -- decide for you what they believe is visually appealing. And because of that, there is almost no room for uniqueness. And it's my sincere belief that raw audio-visual data is a neglected medium that could flourish if not for a serious lack of interest, and free tools for experimentation.

You can create cursed and hilarious glitch art, convert ANY file into raw video/audio data, or just mess around with bitrates until your media looks and sounds like it was recorded in 1970.

Something important to remember is that FFmpeg can't be gleamed from ChatGPT. Or by copy-pasting random commands you find on the internet. If you do use ChatGPT to get something done quick, that's fine. But read the documentation! whenever you run into something unfamiliar. That's the only way you'll be able to add that filter/codec/muxer/argument to your mental toolbox.

For anyone who is interested, there's a neat little webpage which has a plethora of bash scripts, commands, walkthroughs and examples on this github page. There are activities and exercises, animated pictures, examples, and tutorials.

For anyone with a slightly more advanced understanding of FFmpeg's filter pipeline who would like a virtual playground to tinker around with, you can use this FFmpeg explorer. It's an easier to use visual analog that allows you to drag and drop filters and modifiers into a pipeline. There's even a little preview and demo video that updates in real-time as you make changes!


I know this is kind of an oddball question, and every community is rightfully going to be different.

Does anyone know of any chill, laid back survival experiences that are relatively safe/accepting for queer types?

yes (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago by ellypony to c/pissposting
I agree (lemmy.world)
submitted 5 months ago by ellypony to c/[email protected]

I should preface this by stating I am a novice in general when it comes to the linux world.

I'm trying to write a bash script that will run on an ordinary basis as a cron job. It's simple enough it just runs apt update -y apt upgrade -y apt autoclean every 24 hours. The issue is that I also would like to be able to schedule a restart automatically if a restart would be frugal. I don't really want to just rely on checking for /var/run/reboot-required, and the output from debian-goodies checkrestart seems to be pretty dated and incompatible with scripts in general. Would it be better to run systemctl status and check for degradation, and then schedule a restart based on that? Does anyone far smarter than me have a solution?

submitted 6 months ago by ellypony to c/pissposting
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by ellypony to c/pissposting
Yeah (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by ellypony to c/pissposting
submitted 11 months ago by ellypony to c/pissposting
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