
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

@4rkal Hi, I’m interested in your Obsidian to Hugo post, but can’t see it. Do you have a direct link?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

@Emotional_Series7814 It stands for Plain Text. Paper, Less. I.e. I'm a plain text nerd who still uses paper, just less of it. It's the name of my weekly newsletter (details in my bio) @thegreekgeek

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (4 children)

@thegreekgeek Sounds similar to my approach, which is highly manual just like a regular Bullet Journal. I use letters instead of bullets, e.g. N. for notes, T. for task, E. for event.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

@Emotional_Series7814 My daily note is a yearly note, organised by month and date with Markdown headings.

Having only one place to go when I want to make a note is working well. I like being able to review everything in one stream.

I record Events, Tasks, and Notes. At review time tasks are either completed or moved to the right list, and notes are either left as is or refactored into their own space.


@obsidianmd Will #Obsidian Publish ever be integrated into the Fediverse, do you think?


I have very little to complain about #Obsidian. It's a truly remarkable app!

One thing I wish it could do is to automatically rename links when their name is changed *outside of the app*. I realise this probably isn't possible, but it'd be nice if it was.

I use the auto link renamer plugin, and it works well, but sometimes I like to bulk rename files in the Finder, and this breaks all the links associated with them.

Unless there's a way to bulk rename files *inside* Obsidian?


[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

@SamXavia @DmMacniel I'm happy with one vault for most things, mixing personal with business. The only times I create new vaults is for experimenting with different setups (that I don't want to break my regular workflow), and in preparation for sharing with others.


Are there any #PlainText or #Markdown apps that can list the full names of files, on multiple lines, on a narrow screen? Landscape orientation helps, but it is not the solution I’m looking for.

#Obsidian Is the only one I’ve found so far that can do this.

All I want is to be able to browse the full text of long file names, in a list, in an app that doesn’t take 5 minutes to start up (I’m using iCloud for syncing Obsidian).

@obsidianmd #ObsidianMD


Anyone want to write me some #CSS to make the traditional writer's reminder of missing information, TK, show up prominently in #Obsidian wherever it occurs within a long text?

I'm thinking sans serif bold small caps, nicely letter spaced, maybe in light orange. Like Medium does it. Doesn't have to be offset to the side, just a nice visual blip to catch one's attention in the flow of the text.



Finally seriously looking at #Obsidian Sync.

Where should I store my vault on my #Mac? I feel so lost! For years × ∞ I've put everything in Dropbox or iCloud, but that, I hear, is a recipe for sync troubles.

* looks at computer as if for the first time, confused expression on previously confident face *

Why is my Documents folder greyed out? Where am I? *Who* am I ?? Help me, obi-@obsidianmd, you're my only hope!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Just bought a commercial license for #Obsidian. Had a good read of the license terms and realised it's the right thing to do. @obsidianmd

I like that they're using an honour system for this. I could have kept on using Obsidian while justifying it's (mainly) for personal use, but the fact is, I'm actively using it to earn a living in my company and with my writing.

Thanks, @kepano, for trusting us! Simply *expecting* someone to act with integrity without forcing them to, is a powerful thing.