one can usually tell who the good guys are by how they treat ~~LGBT people~~ others different than them.
one can usually tell who the good guys are by how they treat ~~LGBT people~~ others different than them.
i guess i was old at 15
are those men and women flies?
We cannot judge others based on what they are attratcted to. No one is entitled to make others have an intimate relationship with them.
On case contrary, if a person doesn't want to work with trans people or dont want to be friends with them, that's being transphobic
I doubt any immigrant on its right mind would move to Russia, and even if some did, no immigrants on its right mind would fight a war for RuSsIA
A person that only dates cis people is not transphobe.
A person denying trans people and being discriminative is transphobe.
Like Spanish from Mexico and Spanish from Spain?
One example is same sex couples. There is absolutely no reason for them to not have the same rights as opposite sex couples other than religion.
Literally there are many aspects that were/are the way they are because of religion.
Maybe they can open the borders to immigrants?
It is not only in benefit of those people, but also of the countries they live in, and that's why capitalism rewards exploitative behavior.
Spoiler: Except that girl that ended up in the middle place
True, but for example im a gay man and according to the original description, I would be a good guy if I treated LGBT members right, but of course I treat them right because im part of them.