
joined 2 years ago
[–] eatthecake 4 points 2 weeks ago

Have you ever been part of a truly diverse group of people who like to talk about their different cultures and backgrounds? It's no place for xenophobes and bigots.

[–] eatthecake 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I accidentally got a manual labor job and it's the only way I have or will ever exercise.

Voluntary exercise is the most physically and mentally torturous activity. It is pure boredom plus pain and has never made me feel anything but worse, eg curled up on the couch staring at the wall for an hour in despair. Fuck exercise.

Turns out that if you pay me and give me a reason to move around I have no problem. Exercise for it's own sake is just not doable for me, the pointlessness and misery are depression inducing.

[–] eatthecake 9 points 2 weeks ago

She blasted politicians on both sides for ditching substantive policy proposals with what she called "rage-baiting political rhetoric," which convinces people, "The system is rigged against you, populists preach, so forget trying to fix that system. Instead, let’s blow it all up and punish whoever rigged it in the first place."

I think she agrees with you about the politicians.

[–] eatthecake 17 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I work with people from about 15 different countries and everyone asks everyone where they are from. I'm a white Australian and I have been asked where I am from numerous times. It is a perfectly fucking normal way of making conversation and plenty of people enjoy telling others about where they are from. This is really the woke bullshit tbat gives the left a bad name.

[–] eatthecake 3 points 3 weeks ago
[–] eatthecake 0 points 1 month ago

I don't know where you are but in Australia Fathers Day is definitely not ignored. The men where I work even get little gifts.

[–] eatthecake -1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Terrible human

[–] eatthecake -1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

So you're supporting Mike Tyson the rapist.

[–] eatthecake 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I think the demonisation of emption is wrong. We all want emotions: happiness, love, joy, excitement, fullfilment, etc. This is what we live for but emotions are denigrated constantly. There is a huge dissonance here in society where emotions are made illegitimate and worthless whilst being the experience we strive toward.

I wonder if this is part of the anti intellectualism, especially the humanities, if they are viewed as less pragmatic and more about curiosity and emotion. Everything is economic these days.

[–] eatthecake 0 points 1 month ago (3 children)

You have an answer? Im pretty set on misanthropy. I thimk people do know better but they just don't care. We all know about the holocaust but most people are fine with doing this to non jewish people. People aren't going to change in 100 generations. We need to evolve into non humans and that would take many more than 100 generations.

[–] eatthecake 0 points 1 month ago

Doesn't stop men from loving the idea. See the current adoration of rapist mike tyson on lemmy.

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