Hollow Knight.
Surely this is the end of the map..... Ok but now Suuuuuurely this is the end of the map.... OK NOW SUUUURELY.....
Hollow Knight.
Surely this is the end of the map..... Ok but now Suuuuuurely this is the end of the map.... OK NOW SUUUURELY.....
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
I knew it was a jrpg from the beginning, but the way the stories unfolded and piled up had me confused. There was a new question every chapter and it just bwcqme bigge and bigger. Awesome game
Ich erinnere mich an meine Zeit, zu der ich dann 2 Stunden in der Sitzung saß, den derbsten Umgangston mitbekam (nie gegen mich) und dann unumstößlich nach vorn gegangen bin um mitzuteilen "Unsere Popcornmaschine ist kaputt gegangen. Wir brauchen eine Neue damit ihr bei euren Filmen weiter lecker Knabberkram habt :)"
Und für 5 Minuten war der komplette Raum auf der selben Seite.
Well... Driving a tesla, letting the autopilot do the work, showing off the amazing acceleration and using the karaoke function while driving when it explicitly tells you as you start it up that you shouldn't use it as the driver.
My mate is usually so sound of mind and an absolute delight to be around. But i just don't like driving in his tesla.
That shot of Stark hanging on to the dragons side for just two seconds or so is amazing.
Also the scene only uses like a third of the full track Dragon Smasher
I'd add "you will think we are trolling you for the frist two hours, just truwt us!"
apt install funbox funbox not found apt install fun-box fun-box not found apt install openfunbox openfunbox not found Google openfunbox "use apt install open-funboxxx"
Oh hell yeah uplink. The first game i ever went online for. Wasnt even my native language
Qual coming at Frieren like...
Shadow of memories sounds nice.
I can see a good remake of terranigma
Looks like a casserole 😄 is it just a thickly topped pizza or is there a secret?