I use memmy, and then use mobile safari only if i need to do something memmy can’t.
So when you see people saying that something in earth/geologic history happened around 4 Ga, that means it happened about 4 billion years ago
When we are talking about years that long ago, we typically just say mya (million years ago or Ma for mega annum), or Ga for giga annum (billion years), at least this is true in my line of study, which is geology. As @fondots explained above, 1CE is considered the birth yeah of Jesus, hence years before the common era being called BC, for before Christ, before BCE became more common. Since humans (at least as Homo sapiens) weren’t around 5 million years ago, as geologists, we don’t really consider those years to be part of the BCE year group.
there are two “groups” of years. CE (common era) and BCE (before common era, also known as BC for “before christ”). we are currently in CE. There is no year zero, so 2023 years ago would be 1 BCE, and 2024 years ago would be 2 BCE. BCE years count up as you move into the past, and CE years count up as you move into the future. when you see something referred to as happening in, say, 500 BCE, that is 500 years before the common era, or 2523 years in the past.
I absolutely adore the mario franchise, and I was so so excited for the movie. Exceeded my expectations. As soon as I saw it was available for purchase on apple tv I bought it to watch again. It is clear a lot of care went into it.
you can do this by swiping left on the comment you want to reply to
oh i just figured it out! swipe the comment to the left to reply!
I made a post a bit ago asking about comment replies, I’m guessing it’s not available in the app yet. I am able to upvote comments by swiping them to the right though
I thought airpods/cordless buds were stupid when they first came out, I thought I would instantly lose the buds. now I can’t live without them.
love how it’s looking!