
joined 2 years ago
[–] drmoose 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Also you know funded Hamas terrorists and propaganda.

[–] drmoose 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Where are you getting "corporate website"? when it would affect all social media websites including Lemmy and Mastodon or your moms blog comments.

The idea of online social exchange of opinions or experiences is absolutely a social construct. We literally didn't have this and now it's part of every single person's life in some shape. How can you just prohibit that? Imagine prohibiting phone calls lol it's incredibly stupid.

Again you compare this to substances and driving? You can't be serious here? If you can't even understand this issue then you shouldn't be parenting let alone tell other people how to.

[–] drmoose 7 points 1 month ago

I almost bought a Chinese EV but decided to hold back and not support China because of their support for Russia. Got a 2nd hand ICE Mazda for now which I hope will last me until there's some non Chinese EV competion in my region or China finally grows some balls and starts doing the right thing.

[–] drmoose 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

it's selling well too though it's actually 78$. They put Mailbox and Auction House on it which AFAIK the only mount that has both which is incredibly valuable.

If not the fuction I wouldn't mind but because the function is so valuable it's really poor form by Blizzard. I even love the mount and buy it as cosmetic but I'm not supporting this at the state it is currently.

[–] drmoose -3 points 1 month ago

comparing substances to social media is fucking stupid and you should feel bad.

[–] drmoose 0 points 1 month ago

How would this even work globally and on places like fediverse tho?

it wouldn't work. I'm betting 100$ right now that nothing will come of this law it's purely populist virtue signaling.

[–] drmoose 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Now Meta not only knows your name and where you live and your darkest secrets but your legal ID too — fun!

[–] drmoose -1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I'm really confused by this perspective and your comparsion to cigarettes is completely inadequette — you can't compare substances to social constructs.

If parents can't influence their kids how is goverment powered prohibition supposed to do that?

List one social construct that is successfully prohibited by a governing body and actually provides societal value. The only thing comes to mind is porn and take a look how fucking twisted countries where porn is supressed are. This is some north korea level of stupidity.

This law is unprecedented and usually I'd say it should be approached with great care but clearly it's just populist virtue signaling because it's simply stupid and is backed by zero scientific or intelectual basis.

[–] drmoose -3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (15 children)

prohibition simply doesn't work. Especialy with social constructs. Try telling teens that they shouldn't listen to a specific music genre lol

There are million other better ways to handle and this law just seems like a bunch of populist drivel:

Therefore, the next step will be to push forward an age verification solution specifically for social media.

So, now because some parents suck at parenting I should provide my ID to Instagram? How incredibly dumb is that?

As a parent myself I'm so tired of shitty parents ruining it for everyone. Just talk with your kids, it's really not that hard.

[–] drmoose -1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yes, just because they do something right does not dismiss the low level premise that they are a state sponsored propaganda machine. Qatar has no laws to protect press from the government. There's zero press freedom and Al Jazeera will do everything Qatar tells them to and can't even talk about it. Isn't that crazy?

This premise makes everything Al Jazeera does untrustworthy and needs to be verified by more trust worthy institutions.

I don't get it how is it so hard to understand that? That's the most basic of concepts and the irony that people defend this on a decentralized network is just incredibly poetic if not sad.

[–] drmoose 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (18 children)

That ship has long sailed. Most teens will find a way and the ones that don't will be social rejects.

Social media is fundamentally a part of our social fabric. There's no going back on that. Instead, collectively we should promote healthier social networks not prohibit them. Norway is fucking stupid here.

Also, wtf are Norvegian parents doing with their infinite oil money they don't have time to care for their teens?

[–] drmoose -1 points 1 month ago

Propaganda brain rot /thread

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