I said their numbers were verified in real-world use by third parties.
When you look at the Drive on Less data, it isn't.
I found a “Run on Less” page. Nothing about any testing. Perhaps you have a link?
Um, what are you talking about? Literally the entire campaign is about collecting fleet data over an 18 day period.
LOL what? 500 mile range is a 500 mile range. There is no “how”. There’s only one way that works.
Ok, so then if I can find a 500 mile down hill stretch and I take the battery out completely, I have a 500 mile range. That's what you just said, and I think you know that's nonsense.
See the links I already posted.
I don’t believe you.
Ok. That doesn't really impact me. You can believe the company that his lied constantly about capabilities if you want, that's fine. Not being skeptical at all of their claims makes complete sense given their track record at this point.
You don't understand me. I'm saying that Pepsi officially has an NDA. I'll also say Pepsi is testing multiple brands of Class 8 Semi as well as lower class vehicles. I think we need to be wary of marketing efforts, because a lot of people don't seem to be able to separate marketing material in press releases from reality. Surely nobody here believes advertising is reality, right? Right?
Great. Now apply that same criteria to Pepsi's PR team. And there we go.
This is a different topic than the headline, though. I'm not disputing whether a company would be happy with the Tesla class 8 truck for the right application. I mean, if they compare it to another brand they probably wouldn't be happy, but that's a different topic too. I'm specifically disputing the claim that the Semi meets the sales brochure's claims.
I mean, take that part of the sentence out and I think you'd agree with it. Pepsi has mandates to meet, and credits to claim. That isn't really in dispute in any way, and I'm not even sure that's necessarily a bad thing. But it does explain them putting up with reduced capacity, reduced range, and the breakdowns.
Not only did I read it right but I've processed all the data for all the participants to calculate the consumption at a higher speed. The data is available in CSV format, jump in R or Pandas and do some processing and you'll see what I mean.
Kay. 👍