You really truly believe that in his entire political career spanning multiple decades that he's never once been friendly?
So, legitimate question. Do you think that children learn nothing of any importance whatsoever in any public grade school? It's absolutely ridiculous to think that public schooling is first and foremost babysitting because we don't have child labor laws. What in the world would adults be doing at 18 if there wasn't any schooling kindergarten through 12th grade? How, pray tell, would they be ready for a vocational school or college or any secondary school really without k-12? Would their parents be required to stay home and teach them?
Sure, schooling doesn't seem to teach people much to get them ready for the world anymore, but I hardly think that's because school is primarily babysitting. You obviously have an incredibly low opinion of teachers if you really think that's why they exist. The lack of relevance of grade school seems to be more because of the hype over college and the tendency of companies to require more and more education for a job. Lack vocational classes in high school plays into that, too, but cutting them likely had to do more with teaching to a test and getting rid of things that "didn't matter".
Despite that you may think people would figure out how to write, read, do basic math, understand science theory, learn geography, learn civics, analyze fiction and nonfiction works, learn higher levels of math and science, learn subsequent languages, oh and socialize because that really is a very important part of schooling, without school at all, people wouldn't... There's a ton of basic knowledge you need to survive in this world. Maybe you think people will just absorb it through osmosis, but that's not really how that works.
Teachers are important. Period. Their job is made difficult by those who think they have the right to micromanage the curriculum. Their job is made difficult by being paid or fired for students who pass or fail a test. Teachers, on the whole, are excellent, wonderful people. They don't need this belittling nonsense.
You're right. If a drag show uses provocative dance, sure a child shouldn't participate. However, to me, participating means being in the show, one of the dancers. Is that what happened? Was a child or children the performers in this gay bar? Or did they witness a drag show that included provocative dance? Were the children dancing this way? Those are very different things.
If the child was only witnessing the drag show, then, in your belief, should children also not see cheerleader performances if they are provocative? I'm pretty sure that would disallow children from seeing the half time show during football and many other cheerleading events along with dances performed by those at their concerts and not in drag. I'm not saying you brought up legality, but should we have laws to prevent children from seeing any provocative dances and therefore have venues ban them completely because maybe a child will get in or their parents may bring them?
That person didn't say being poor makes you a bad person nor did they imply it. You, however, seem to believe there's an "ideal way" to raise children to 100% ensure they'll never do drugs. I somehow doubt that there is and drugs certainly aren't a one way ticket to messing up.
Where's the proof of any of this? It's the first I'm hearing of it.
Honestly, leaving a red state would arguably give them a better education. It's more likely that people would be leaving behind friends and family which, in this day with very little social nets and high prices, is incredibly difficult, not to mention the emotional toll on some people.
Wasn't the bill extended to all grades?
How are you going to prevent children from being influenced by any/all of the romantic relationships they see in every day life? If movies/books/ect are so bad, then what would be do with real life examples?
Yes, because women were not allowed to act. Another discriminatory practice. What are you suggesting by bringing that up?
Are you going to answer their questions, btw?
The reasons stated actually included the new laws passed as well as lack of public transit and number of tech jobs offered.
You could also ignore reposts. For some of us, it's the first time we are seeing it.
Oh no, all the MAGA people will never believe it's Trump's own fault. It would have to be murder and then Trump's a martyr.