I'm confused. How does taking care of people translate to eradicating entire groups? Why do you think force is inevitable? Does that mean every political party will resort to force?
If this isn't far right, then what it is to you? An authoritarian committing mass murder?
Question though. Do you know about the budget of your country? Do you know if state healthcare consistently loses funding over time? Or does your country continue to invest in state healthcare and ensure it has everything it needs to function properly?
But that's a team of people working together. Theoretically this is one person giving CPR.
Not everyone is going to have access to a defibrillator.
Huh, I looked it up and checked out the instructions and diagrams of several websites. Every one of them said to place your hands on the upper part of the chest and every image showed their hands between the nipples.
No, it's hard to have a conversation with someone who refuses to respond to what they are commenting to and instead responding to arguments spacecowboy didn't make. Funny that.
Ah yes, making it all ok to mislead the populace. Perfect take, that.
So you think it's a joke and a good one at that to tell someone upset at this story who wants to love on their own child? That's so fucked up.
I really wish people would stop using the phrase "late term abortion". It's not a medical term. It's a political one designed demonize those who almost solely terminate for medical reasons.
It's absolutely a poor way to label yourself and the far right latch onto that and use it to convince their base that all pro choice people want more abortions and want to force those abortions on others. While you may have your own definition, it will absolutely be taken and used against you by the far right especially when you make it easy for them.
Who exactly is being oppressed? By what metric are they being oppressed?