I never would have seen this without the "repost". I don't get why people are so offended about seeing something again. Don't like it? Saw it before? Keep scrolling then.
People are mostly good. Propaganda designed to enforce certain beliefs makes people think those less fortunate are lazy, entitled, and less deserving. It's also human nature to discount any luck in our success stories and attribute them to only/mostly hard work.
And yet they're totally fine with male being the default.
And I would think you're talking about two men. The urban dictionary and regular one both define "dude" as a man.
Psst, your spoiler didn't work.
He'll get where he's going. 😢
No, California doesn't. This line of thinking allowed and tried to enforce slavery.
Wow, that's so messed up. To say a person who has a residence in one state committed a crime in another state and can never go back lest they go to jail.
There's a link below to the poll questions, but it doesn't say how the people were contacted. Given the answers about if they are voting for a Republican or Democrat and more worried about Biden's mental health over Trump's, I'm pretty sure these were phone calls, which of course, aren't accurate of the whole populace. It's all bullshit if you rely only on who picks up the phone.
I really wish it could be federal law.
Good whataboutism there.
Like yours should have taught you?